《Chapter 7》

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Tubbo POV

I woke up and ordered breakfast to the house. I walked into Ranboo's room to wake him and he was on his phone.

"I thought you were supposed to be jetlagged." I said smiling.

"Y'know my sleep schedules fudged up?" He said smirking.

"Dang, almost my own exact words used against me." I laughed.

He laughed along, "Yeah, well I remember your words being a little more 'vulgar'."

I laughed and then he got up out of bed. Then I walked out and said, "I'm gonna go wake Tommy, while your changing."

He nodded and I walked out. Right next door, I went to wake up Tommy, but then I saw how peaceful he looked laying in his bed so I let him be. However, if he wasn't up by 12, I'd have to wake him for the stream.

I went to the living room and shortly later, Ranboo walked in. "What happened to Tommy?"

"He was still asleep and I didn't feel like waking him." I told him.

He shrugged, "Oh well."

The doorbell rang and I got up to get the food.

"Seriously? You ordered in breakfast?" He laughed softly.

I got the food, tipped the guy, and brought it inside, "Yep."

"Tubbo do you always wake up early?" He asked.

I snickered, "I don't even wake up early, I wake up at around 10 everyday and you two wake up at like 11 or 12, even 1 sometimes.

He laughed while rubbing his hand against the back of his neck, "Oh, I guess I never realized that."

I laughed too and then pulled out the breakfast burritos. We ate and left one for Tommy. We sat and talked for a bit, then it was about time to start setting up the 'YLYL' stream.

Ranboo volunteered to go set it up while I woke up Tommy. When I came to his door I noticed it was locked and so I knocked quietly.

"Just a second!" He said.

I didn't reply, I just waited at the door. I could hear muffled voices behind the door and though I couldn't make out what they were saying- I did have an idea of who he was talking to.

It was probably Tommy's mom or financial manager, because I heard them talking about money. I decided not to try and listen in, so I took a step back to where I couldn't hear anything from inside the room.

Tommy POV

"Look, we'll talk about this later. I need to stream for income first okay?" I told her.

"Alright Tom Tom, but make it fast. And don't forget about that guy, tell him to piss off alright?" She said.

"Mhmmm, sure thing." I said and fake smiled into the camera.

She gave kisses into the camera and then exclaimed, "Bye Tom Tom! I love you!"

"Mhmm, bye." I replied blandly and hung up the phone.

I hate when anyone tells me that.

'I love you.'

The only people who've ever told me that besides my parents is Tubbo and Wilbur. Ofcourse, I've said it back to them....but it took a little while.

Still, I hate the phrase. It's like an unspoken promise, if y'know what I mean. It's something I don't say often, and I've never said it to my girlfriend.

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