《Chapter 50》

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Ranboo POV

I'm pretty sure Tommy's parents had just got home. I heard the car pull up in the driveway. That meant I'd have to get out of Tommy's bed and stop hugging him.

I kissed my Tommy's head, "Your parents are home. Time to wake up baby."

He groaned and hugged me tighter.

I just sighed, "Well....Do you want to be seperated the whole time?"

He shook his head then got up, "Fine. How about you go sit at my desk like you're doing something- And I'll just lay in bed on my phone."

I nodded, "Mkay."

He crawled over me and out of bed. He fell onto the floor and I laughed.

He whined, "I was gonna enter the password for you- but my legs are dead."

I got up and picked him up off the floor. I set him in bed then went over to his set up and turned it on, "Okay, what's the password?"

"Its....embarrassing." He blushed pink.

"Oh c'mon Tommy- I won't make fun of you, now what is it?"

"Its To-...." He mumbled it really quietly.

I raised a brow, "C'mon Tommy."

"Its Tomboo with the little heart." He flushed pink.

I blushed lightly and chuckled, "That's adorable."

I entered, "Tomboo<3" and it let me in. I sat down in his desk chair. I opened his Minecraft and began playing. Tommy yawned then took out his phone.

There was a knock then Tommy called, "Come in!"

And so in walked his father. He looked at Tommy in bed on his phone then at me playing Minecraft.

He nodded, "Good."

"What is?" Tommy asked.

"Nothing." He said then continued, "Come help get the groceries out of the car."

I got up, "I'll help instead."

"I meant the both of you." His dad said.

Tommy nodded, "Right...well uh- I'm sorta like-"

"Limp." I answered.

"Why?" He asked.

Tommy blushed, "I fell down the stairs and my legs really hurt...."

"How do you even fall down the stairs?" His dad asked.

"Uh...." Tommy needed help.

"I mean- Tommy's a cute little clutz, y'know? He was just looking at his phone instead of being cautious and he took a little tumble." I awkwardly laughed.

"Yep- silly me." Tommy fake laughed.

He nodded, "Okay- Well then come help Ranboo."

"Ofcourse!" I exclaimed.

His dad left and I followed. Tommy grabbed my arm though and then pulled me down close as he whispere yelled, "Limp!?- You could've said sick!"

I blushed, "I dint want to lie."

"You just did." He said furrowing his brows.

I shrugged, "Well at least it wasn't a full lie."

He rolled his eyes and kissed my cheek, "Go on then."

He let me go then I went to catch up with his dad who was just walking down the stairs. I caught up and walked behind him.

"What were you doing?" He asked me.

"Uh- What do you mean?" I asked.

"I mean- You stopped for a little to talk to Tommy, no?" He asked though he already knew I had.

"Oh- He just asked me to bring him a Coke." I lied which made me nervous.

"Oh okay, sounds like him." His father chuckled. We walked out to the drive way and I helped carry in the grocery bags.

As I brought in the last bag I noticed some girl sat at the kitchen counter on her phone. It wasn't his mom, I know that cause I've seen his mom. And this girl was much younger then her- no offense. She seemed about my age.

I walked over and set the bag down, "Hey."

"Hi." She said not even looking up.

She was pretty. Long blonde hair, blue eyes, and cute freckles that spread across her cheeks and nose bridge. She wore a pink crop top and short jean shorts. She was really attractive, that's for sure.

Definetly my type- I mean blonde, blue eyed....remind you of anyone?- Anyways yeah...I was just observing.

I grabbed a Coke from the fridge and then I was gonna walk away, but Tommy's mom stopped me, "Ranboo!- This is Tori, my niece, Tommy's cousin. She's your age, and she came over to pay us a visit."

"Actually, my mom just said I was obnoxious and she needed a break from my 'unique way of living'. Which I don't exactly understand, cause I'm a pretty normal person. Anyway- She's making me stay here." The girl ranted and then pocketed her phone.

I nodded and Tommy's mom asked, "Could you help her get her bags out of the car?"

"Yeah ofcourse." I smiled.

She got up and walked with me to the car.

"Your pretty cute." She smiled at me, "So who are you?"

"Uh....I'm Tommy's friend." I answered.

She nodded, "Cool...So like he won't mind if I hit on his friend right?"

I shrugged, "I dunno- Guess you'll have to find out."

She blushed, "Hm....okay."

I grabbed her bags and she raised her eyebrows, "Nice and strong too."

I blushed and then we went back inside. I set her things down and she asked, "So you're American, right?"

I nodded, "Yep- What gave me away?"

"The adorable accent, silly." She booped my nose.

I blushed, "Uh..."

"Obviously you don't live here, so are you spending the night or do you have a place?" She asked.

"Spending the night." I replied.

She nodded, "I see- Well where do you sleep?"

"Tomm- The couch." I answered.

She nodded, "Same- How's that gonna work?"

"I'll probably go sleep in Tommy's room." I shrugged.

She nodded, "Alrighty then."

I cleared my throat, "I'm gonna go back to Tommy now..."

She waved, "Talk to you later hopefully."

"Yeah...." I waved back.

I walked upstairs, down the hall then back into Tommy's room. He smiled and waved.

I flushed pink and closed the door. Tommy raised a brow at me and I slowly slid down the door and onto the floor. I bit my lip smiling, "Oh Tommy- I think I just cheated on you."

He shot up shocked, "Excuse me!?"

1,016 words
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I'll see you guys tomorrow :)

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