《Chapter 51》

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Ranboo POV

"Sorry Tommy, but....your cousin is- pretty hot..." I bit my lip.

He scoffed, "Which one!?"

"Tori~" I cooed.

"How did you cheat?" He asked upset.

"I just flirted and sorta said I was a friend instead if a boyfriend. But don't worry- We can clear it up." I assured him.

He nodded, "Right...now why do you look so smug?"

"I mean- I'm not proud or smug, I'm just gushing." I smiled.

He got out of bed upset and wobbled. He fell and then groaned, "Pick me up?"

I got up and picked him up. I sat him on the bed, "I think I'm gonna go watch TV in the living room."

Tommy grabbed my face, "We just made out not too long ago. And you're leaving me for my cousin?"

I blushed, "Sorry Tommy- I mean you can  come with, but don't be wierd."

"I. Am. Your. Boyfriend." He said sternly, "You belong to me!- Now cuddle with me and stop thinking about my idiot cousin."

I got in the bed with him and held him.

"Her hair is really pretty." I teased.

"You love my fluffy hair!" Tommy whined.

"Her eyes literally sparkle." I sighed and stifled a laugh.

"My eyes.....glisten!" He argued.

"She has adorable freckles." I smiled.

"I have....no freckles?" He frowned, "You're making me self conscious."

I hugged him tightly, "Sorry- Just a tiny crush. I'm inlove with you, okay?"

He shook his head, "You're swooning for her."

"Oh Tommy, I teaaing you. And if you really are feeling self conscious, I apologize- You're better anyways." I assured him.

He frowned, "Apparently you like cute freckles- And I don't have em!"

"Oh Tommy- She's just pretty. You're hot and you've got an attractive personality." I said and kissed his cheek.

He blushed, "Keep going."

"You've got a cute petite figure, you're lips are so perfect, you've got the best face I've ever seen, and let's not talk about your lower half." I winked.

He turned bright pink, "Ranboo!"

I chuckled, "Sorry, sorry...."

He hugged me, "I love you Ranboo."

"I love you my Tommy." I said and kissed his cheek.

~ Time Skip ~

Ranboo POV

It was about night time yet, we'd already had dinner and now I sat with Tommy on his bed like usual. I figured now was an okay time to bring up my talk.

"Tommy?" I asked.

"Mhmm." He hummed while watching his phone.

"Can I talk to you?" I asked.

"Yeah- I'm listening." He said.

I grabbed his phone, "On a serious note?"

He blushed, "What did I do?..."

I scoffed, "No!- Not like that."

He hugged me, "Oh okay...you scared me."

"Uhm...It's about your perfect little body." I said softly.

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