《Chapter 26》

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Tommy POV

I woke up and it was already morning. Suprisingly Ranboo wasn't right there next to me. I figured since he was supposed to be watching me and making sure I didn't do anything, that he'd be right there.

I got up and quickly changed. Then I went out and into the living room where Ranboo was passed out on the couch. I went over to him and sat down.

I poked his cheek, "Ranboo~" I cooed softly and he smiled as his eyes slowly fluttered open. Then I yelled, "Wake up!"

He groaned annoyed and I giggled, "You gonna check my arms sleepy head? You left me their all night."

"Yeah, gimmie." He demanded and I showed him my arms.

He nodded, "Good, now go to sleep."

He layed back down and I scoffed, "You are not going back to bed. Your kidding!"

He groaned, "Let me sleep- it's so early."

"What time did you go to sleep?" I asked.

He shrugged and I laughed, "What were you even doing?"

"I was thinking about y- stuff. Now leave me alone." He said sounding grumpy.

"Jeez, I wasn't trying to annoy you. I'm just bored." I said standing up.

"Well sorry, but I'm not gonna entertain you." He said burying his head in a couch pillow.

I crossed my arms, "I never asked you to."

"Okay, then go away." He said shooing me with his hand.

I gasped, "You did not just shoo me away!"

He got up and huffed. He walked away and I followed. He went down the hall and into his room. I followed and he closed the door in my face.

"Asshole!" I huffed and opened the door barging in.

He lay on his bed with an arm over his eyes.

"Seriously? Talk about rude!" I crossed my arms.

He groaned, "Ughhhh, Tommy just go! I want to sleep by myself in my own bed!"

"Well I would've left you alone, but since your such a fucking prick! I won't!" I yelled.

He huffed and I layed down beside him. He flipped over and he hugged me to his chest, "Fine by me, just shut your mouth."

I furrowed my eyebrows upset, "You did not ju-"

He put a finger to my mouth, "Shhh, go to sleep, pretty boy."

I blushed and he removed his finger. He yawned and then fell asleep holding me as he snuggled his face against my own.

My face heated up and I wasn't sure what to do.

Pretty boy?!


I took a deep breath and then I slowly pulled away. I stood up and left him there in bed, so I could stream since I was so bored.

Time Skip

Ranboo POV

I woke up and Tommy wasn't with me, it was okay though. I trust him at this point to tell me the truth, plus he knows I'll check.

I yawned and grabbed my phone. As I scrolled through lots of notifications, there was one in particularly that caught my eye.

'Tommyinnit is live! - Twitch'

I chuckled to myself then clicked onto the notification. He'd been live for a little over an hour and he was playing Minecraft while chatting. I sat there in bed and watched as he goofed off and messed around, answering questions and talking to chat.

Tommy POV

"Can I get some questions? This is getting boring." I said while mining cobblestone for my giant tower.

A donation for 500 dollars came in.

'Ranboolive - You ditched me. So to make up for it, wanna go get breakfast?'

I smiled and laughed, "Sorry about that Ranboo. I just wanted to do an early stream."

I sighed, "Well chat, since I'm gonna go to breakfast with Ranboo, I'm gonna have to end the stream!"

The chat got spammed with byes and awes.

Then I logged out of Minecraft and showed just my face cam. I waved into the camera, "Bye Bye Chat!"

I ended the stream and then stood up and stretched. I yawned and my tummy growled.

"Dang, guess I am hungry." I muttered to myself.

There was a knock at the door and I smiled subconsciously to myself, knowing it was Ranboo. I went and opened the door, and there he stood.

He smiled down at me, "Mornin."

"Morning." I smiled up at him.

"So, you hungry?" He asked.

I nodded and he smiled, "Great. Let's go get breakfast, yeah?"

I nodded again and he asked, "Alright, now before we go....Can I see your arms?"

I sighed and put my arms forward. He gently grabbed my wrist and then rolled up my sleeve and saw the five cuts. He rolled it down and then reached for my other arm.  He grabbed my other wrist and rolled my sleeve up to see that my arm was clean with no cuts once again.

He rolled down my sleeve and still held my wrist, "Good. You ready?"

His hand subconsciously moved to lace with mine. I blushed lightly even though he hadn't noticed and replied, "Yeah...let's go."

He pulled me along with him and we walked down the hall to the front door. We walked out and then Ranboo locked it behind him.

As we walked down the sidewalk towards the train station I asked, "Do you have your mask and glasses?"

He nodded, "Yeah, they're in my pocket."

I swung our hands slowly and hummed. A couple minutes later it seemed he finally noticed. He blushed brightly, "Wh- When did we start holding hands?"

I stayed calm, for it wasn't that wierd of a thing to hold hands with a friend. I replied, "You held my hand after you checked me for cuts."

"And I've been holding it since?" He asked.

"Mhmm, why?" I asked.

He shook his head, "N- Nothing....I just didn't notice."

I shrugged, "It's no big deal really, I've held hands with other people too."

He seemed interested, "Oh yeah? Like who exactly?"

I thought about it...., "Well, now that I think about it...uhm only Julie and you."

He smiled, "Wow, I feel special."

I laughed, "Don't get too ahead of yourself."

He laughed along. We continued our chit chat until we got to the train station. I squeezed his hand lightly, "You might wanna put the mask and glasses on Ranboo."

He nodded and put his mask and glasses on. Then he brought up are hands, "We should probably let go, if fans see they'll get the wrong idea."

I let go of his hand, "Yeah."

Time Skip 

We'd just gotten off the train and we were very close to where I was wanting to go. It was a small pancake house and I was really hungry.

I walked beside Ranboo and eventually we got there. We walked in and were seated almost right away. Ranboo sat down on one side of the booth and I was conflicted on wether to sit across or beside him.

I sighed and then sat beside him. Ranboo chuckled softly, "Tenacious...aren't you, Bubba?"

I blushed at the nickname then asked, "What do you mean, 'tenacious'?"

He chuckled, "Nothing."

I nodded, "Right...."

1,192 words
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Later ya'll :)

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