《Chapter 15》

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Ranboo POV

I was making sandwiches for Tommy and Tubbo, because I knew they'd be hungry when they woke up from their naps.

Though, I wasn't ready for them to wake up and take care of them. I did want them to wake up for my cooking stream. However, I wasn't too sure they'd be up for it, seeing as how they're both hungover. Hopefully, one of them is better by then.

I'd just finished up and I heard someone in the hall. I didn't bother checking though, instead I sat down and ate my own sandwich. Then I heard footsteps and turned to see a sleepy Tubbo.

"Ranboo, I'm hungry." He mumbled tiredly.

"Come here, I made you a sandwich." I said.

He sat down next to me and started eating, "Ranboo, what're you gonna do for the stream?"

I sighed, "Well, if you don't feel up to it....I can probably manage by myself."

He shook his head, "I can't leave you hanging, I'll do the stream with you."

I smiled, "Thankyou Tubbo, but if at any point you don't feel good, its okay to take a step back."

He smiled back at me, "I know, and again, thankyou."

"It's all good, your gonna do the stream with me anyways." I told him.

He nodded, "You gonna wake Tommy for it?"

I shook my head, "Nah, best to let him sleep. How many cups of punch did you have Tubbo?"

He rolled his eyes, "Only like 2."

I laughed, "Only?! That's ridiculous. Less than Tommy though, he had like 3. That punch was really strong."

Tubbo laughed, "I can't believe we drank that punch."

I sighed, "Me niether."

~ Time Skip ~

Tubbo and I had finished eating and setting up the stream. I had put Tommy's sandwich in the fridge and I'd put on my mask and glass. We were now starting the stream.

"What's up chat? How's everybody doing?" I asked and clapped my hands.

"Hello Chat!" Tubbo smiled and waved.

"Alright, we got a cooking stream today. And we're gonna be making a cake!" I smiled underneath my mask.

I glanced at chat and they were asking where Tommy was.

I replied, "Tommy is sleeping right now, but who knows? He might show up later."

I continued on with the stream and me and Tubbo started making the batter. I preheated the oven and we answered questions from the donations. Around a half an hour in I heard footsteps down the hall and I knew it was Tommy.

Then he walked in and yelled, "Ranboo why'd you leave me all alone in bed?"

I blushed underneath my mask, the chat had heard him. "Uh, Tommy I- I'm not sure what your talking about...and I- I'm strea-"

He cut me off upset and walked in the frame wearing my big clothes, "What do you mean? We were literally cuddling!"

"Tommy I'm-"

He hugged me and buried his head in my chest, "Come back and sleep with me, Ranboo. I need a cuddle buddy."

"I'm live....." I muttered.

He turned to see the screen and he turned red. Then he ran out of frame and buried his face in his hands. The chat was going crazy and making assumptions:

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