《Chapter 36》

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Tommy POV

We arrived at home now. We walked in and Tubbo hurried to the streaming room to, well- stream.

I yawned and kissed Ranboo's cheek, "I'm gonna go nap babe."

"Kay." He smiled at me then sat down on the couch. He pulled his phone out and kept himself busy.

I walked off to my room-....Was it my room?- I dunno, I think it was Ranboo's, but same thing. He is my boyfriend.

I layed down in bed and yawned again, then hugged my pillow. I slowly drifted off to sleep.

Ranboo POV

I been on my phone scrolling through Twitter. I was reading people's tweets on...What they thought about my face.

Some were about how I looked great, others were- 'Great, but not what I expected', or obsessive and thirsty tweets.

Rarely I'd see one on how I look, 'Okay'. And even more rarely I saw rude ones...which have no need to be repeated.

I groaned a little bother and pocketed my phone, I want my Tommy.

Oh!- And I forgot not to leave him alone for too long!

I got up and went to Tommy's room. He wasn't there though. I was confused so went to the restroom. I knocked and got no reply. I opened the door and no one was in there.

Well he certainly wasn't in the kitchen, living room, or one of the streaming rooms cause I'd of seen him walk by.

"Babe!?" I called out and waited for an answer. I groaned, "Tommy!" Still no answer. I yelled, "Baby!"

My sleepy Tommy walked out of my room holding one of my pillows with his messy blonde hair, "I'm here- Now sleep with me."

I raised an eyebrow, "What was that?"

"Oh shut up and get over here." He yawned walking back in my room.

I walked down the hall and into my room. I closed the door and pulled the pillow away from Tommy. He pulled back groaning, "Stop it!"

I rolled my eyes, "Hug me instead babe."

He groaned and hugged me instead of the pillow finally. I hugged him and he yawned. I kissed his head, "You didn't do anything, right?"

"I didn't do anything babe." He hummed and snuggled into me.

I sighed into a smile, He always makes me feel better. And after scrolling through social media....I really needed him.

~ Time Skip ~

Tommy kissed my cheek, "Wake up babe."

I yawned and opened my eyes, "Hungry?"

"Mhmm, now make me food." He giggled.

I got up and we went to the kitchen. Tubbo sat down on the couch watching, 'The Office'. He had probably finished streaming now.

Tommy sat down on the couch with Tubbo, "You hungry Tubs?"

He nodded, "Yeah, why?- You making food Ranboo!?"

I nodded, "Yeah....What do you guys want to eat?"

"Whatever you want to make." Tommy replied and Tubbo nodded in agreement.

So I went to the kitchen and began to make them food.

~ Short Time Skip ~

Tommy POV

Since I hadn't filmed at all yesterday, I decided I'd stream now. I'd gotten bored of, 'The Office' already and Ranboo was taking a little while.

So I got up and walked over to the streaming room with the gaming setup in it. I logged into my Twitch and clicked the, 'Go Live' button.

I kept it on the starting soon screen then went back out to the living room. I cleared my throat, "In streaming, kay?"

Tubbo nodded and Ranboo seemed to not have heard me. I walked over and hugged him from behind, "I'm gonna go stream."

He turned around, "Mkay, I'll bring you your food."

I kissed his cheek, "Thanks babe."

"Mhmm." He blushed.

I walked back to the streaming room and started the stream.

~ Short Time Skip ~

Ranboo POV

I'd finished making breakfast now. I plated the food and called over Tubbo.

"Foods done." I smiled.

He got up, "Thanks Ranboo!"

I nodded then hummed, "Mhmm."

I then took Tommy's plate and went to the door of where he was streaming. I knocked, "Tommy!?"

"Come in!" He called.

I entered and he said, "Hold on chat." He muted then added, "One second guys."

He was playing Minecraft with Techno and Wilbur. I could tell cause of who was in his vc on discord.

"Food." I said and set it down on the desk.

"Thanks babe." He smiled.

Techno cleared his throat loudly.

"They can't hear you- but we can." Wilbur said.

Tommy blushed then muted. The chat seemed confused from what Wilbur had said. Tommy got up and went out of frame.

He smiled up at me as he put his arms around my neck, "I love you."

I put my hands around his waist, "I love you."

He licked his bottom lip and slowly leaned in. I blushed and leaned in too. We kissed and it was just amazing. We pulled away and he was really smiley, "Thanks for my food."

I nodded blushing, "Mhmm, no problem."

"And the kiss." He giggled.

"That's a given." I winked.

He blushed then went back in frame and sat down. I blew him a kiss and he waved to me. He unmuted and then I walked out.

I sat at the counter next to Tubbo and began eating.

"Boyfriends, hm?" Tubbo chuckled.

I nodded, "Yeah....crazy, huh?"

"Little bit, yeah." He smiled, "Still, I'm happy for you guys."

His smile was genuine...that much is for sure. But.....he seemed uneasy as well as happy for us.

"But?" I asked knowing there was one.

He sighed, "I have no idea how it's gonna work once you leave."

I frowned, "Its going to work....It has too. For me and for Tommy."

"Yeah...well hopefully the physical part isn't too big for you guys, cause.....The two of you won't see each other for probably a while." Tubbo frowned.

I shrugged, "We'll be fine...."

"Yeah! I mean- You two are mad inlove so, y'know." Tubbo smiled at me genuine....and sympathetic too.

I didn't need sympathy though.

Cause Tommy and I are pretty solid.

We can do it.

I promised him we'd stay together.

And we will.

1,029 words

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