《Chapter 13》

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Tommy POV

We had passed the time watching movies and playing games. Now we were getting ready. I'd gone to my room to get dressed, just as Ranboo and Tubbo had.

I wore a dull pink shirt with a jean jacket. I had black jeans and white sneakers. My hair was messy, but I didn't care. I walked out into the living room and saw Ranboo sitting down.

He had a fitted navy blue turtle neck and a beanie of the same color. He had regular blue jeans and black and silver jean chains. He had regular black sneakers and his black sunglasses on, but no mask. He had a couple rings and he looked quite good.

"You look good King." I smiled.

He stood up, "Thanks, you look great Tommy."

He floofed my messy hair and smiled at me. Then Tubbo came in.

He had a dark green and black stripped sweater on with a white collar. He also had white jeans and a brown pair of boots.

"You guys ready to go?" He asked.

"Yep!" I exclaimed and Ranboo nodded.

I wasn't feeling too great about myself at the moment. I hated my girlfriend and she hated me. I wanted to break up with her- er- I'm gonna break up with her......,but I'm just not so sure.

I just want to not care for a fucking minute, and enjoy being a teen.

We walked outside and Tubbo locked the door. We got in a taxi and then they dropped us off around the corner from the party. We walked over and it was crazy.

There was a bunch of colored lights, blasting music, trash around, and teenagers who were drinking.

We walked in and Tubbo introduced us to his friend. Then we walked around for a little bit and Tubbo decided to take off.

"I'm gonna go hang with some friends. See you guys later okay?" Tubbo said loudly for us to hear over the blasting music and then left.

"Guess it's just us, what'd you want to do?" Ranboo asked me loudly.

"Want to get a drink?" I replied.

"You don't mean like alcohol right?" He asked me.

I laughed, "Ofcourse not, c'mon."

I pulled him along with me to the kitchen. There was a bunch of different bottles of liquor and alcohol. There was also a punch bowl and sodas. They didn't have any Coke, though so I decided I'd have punch.

"What do you want to drink Ranboo? I'm gonna have punch." I said looking over to him.

"I'm gonna grab a soda, you go ahead." He said walking to get a soda.

I filled a red plastic cup with punch and then I began to drink it. It tasted kinda weird, but I didn't mind it. Me and Ranboo stood in the kitchen for a while. I'd had about 3 cups of punch and Ranboo had only had the one soda. I was starting to feel a little light headed and I wanted to go sit down so I turned to Ranboo.

Ranboo POV

"Ranboo, can we go sit down!?" Tommy yelled.

I nodded, "Yeah, c'mon."

I grabbed his arm and we walked over to the living room. There wasn't many places to sit though, because there was people passed out on them and couples making out. I wasn't sure what to do.

Tommy groaned, "Ranboo, I don't feel too good."

"Why? What's wrong?" I asked him.

"I think I need to pee....." he said walking away towards the hall.

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