《Chapter 14》

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Tommy POV

I woke up in Ranboo's bed and I didn't feel too well. My head hurt and I was really thirsty. My stomach kinda hurt and I felt like throwing up.

I sat up and clutched my stomach. I groaned and Ranboo came running in with a plastic bag which was wierd.

"Are you okay Tommy?" He asked softly.

I shook my head, "R- Ranboo, I- I think I'm gonna-"

I started gagging and he ran over to me with the bag. I threw up in the bag and coughed.

He frowned, "Feel any better?"

I sighed, "My stomach doesn't hurt as much."

He smiled, "I'll get you some water."

He left and then came back with a glass of water. "I figured you'd be thirsty."

I drank the water then asked, "What happened last night? I only remember bits and pieces.....which is wierd."

He took the empty glass from me and gave me a small smile, "They spiked the punch Tommy...and you had 3 cups full of it."

I groaned, "Oh, Ranboo is this a hangover?"

He frowned, "Yes hun, but don't worry it'll pass soon."

Hun?.....he sounded so endearing.

I blushed lightly, "How long?"

He sighed, "A couple hours maybe?"

Then Tubbo came in clutching his stomach, "Ranboo?....I- I didn't make it to the toilet on time..."

I laughed and then put my hands to my mouth. I needed to vomit again.

"Wait Tommy! Hold it in!" He yelled and picked me up.

He ran out and pushed pass Tubbo. He ran into the restroom and then he put me down. Then I threw up into the toilet.

I groaned, "Ranboo can I have more water?"

He sighed, "Yes hun, but wait here okay?"

I nodded and then he left.

He called me hun again.....

He came back with a water bottle and gave it to me, "I'll be back in a bit. Call out if you need me, I need to clean up vomit."

He sighed and left.

I hate this.

Ranboo POV

I walked into Tubbo's room and he was in bed drinking water.

"Ranboo, I tried running to the bathroom! And I called for you multiple times! But you were to busy with Tommy, so....it just happened." He frowned.

I sighed, "Dont worry about it."

I went to grab the mop and then I mopped the vomit off the floor. Good thing our bedrooms had wood floors and not carpet.

I sprayed air freshener in his room and then asked him, "Are you hungry yet?"

He shook his head, "No....I still feel like vomiting."

I sighed, "Then you should be in the bathroom."

I picked him up and brought him to the other bathroom. I put him down and then said, "Wait here, I'll bring you water."

I went to get him a water bottle and then came back. "Here, call for me if you need anything. I'm gonna check on Tommy."

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