《Chapter 6》

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Ranboo POV

This would be my first time meeting these people. Wilbur, Phil, Jack, and George. Tubbo and Tommy have met them all before, but I haven't, and I'm really excited. 

We were on our way to the park and Tommy was following me and Tubbo closely behind while on his phone.

"Are you excited Boss Man?" Tubbo asked.

"Oh, uhm...yeah, very excited." I told him.

"Well, it's just up ahead."

I nodded and within no time, we were there. I saw a tall brunette and a short one. A short one with a cap on and an older blonde.

They all waved and we walked over. Tubno introduced me, "Hey everyone! This is Ranboo as you all know."

"Hey its nice to meet you all." I smiled under the mask.

"Oh my gosh! Ello Ranboo, it's great to meet ya man." Wilbur said smiling.

"Hey Ranboo." George said.

"Holy shit man your tall!" Jack exclaimed.

"Hello mate, good to finally meet ya." Phil gave a smile.

"Oh, and here's Tommy." Tubbo said snatching the phone from Tommy's hands.

"What the hell man?!" Tommy yelled and I laughed softly at his reaction.

"Say hi Tommy." Tubbo told him.

"Hello dickheads." Tommy rolled his eyes.

"Is this how he greeted you Ranboo?" Phil laughed softly.

I laughed too, "....Suprisingly not, he was much more....actually, I don't really know how to explain it."

I shrugged and looked to Tommy who had a barley noticeable, faint, light pink, blush as he rolled his eyes.

Then Wilbur said, "Alright Tommy, you gonna start recording?"

"Yeah if I can have my phone back." He glared at Tubbo, who gave it back and then he continued, "Alright, now if you'd like, you can record on your own phones for other povs and then send me footage later. Or,.....you could do your own vlogs too." Tommy said giving a small smile.

They nodded and a few of them took out there phones.

Then Tommy passed me his phone, "Your tall, film the intro."

I nodded and then filmed him as he did the intro for his vlog. I watched him as he went from calm and chill to energetic. I smiled as he looked into the camera introducing everybody.

"....and we've got Tubs, Will, Phil, Ranboob, Gogy, and Jack!" He exclaimed.

Then he told me to stop so I did. He took the phone back and we all started walking to an arcade where Tommy wanted to film. Tommy went to everyone, asking them weird questions and making funny interactions. Then when we got to the arcade, Tommy filmed us playing games and winning prizes. Then around 2 hours later we left and Tommy filmed his outro.

He sighed, "Well, that was fun."

Wilbur smiled, "Are you three gonna be heading out now?"

"Uh, we could probably stay for a little while longer." Tubbo smiled.

"Alright, how about we head over to the pier?" Phil suggested.

"Nah I'm tired, I'm gonna head home." George yawned.

"Welp, guess I'll be going too." Jack said.

Jack lived in the same direction George did, so we said goodbye to them and then we all headed to the pier. It was Tubbo, Tommy, Phil, Wilbur, and I now. We walked to the pier and when we got there we walked across it while watching the sunset.

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