《Chapter 56》

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Quick Note: Check out that art by BlueMoon12497 Now enjoy the chapter :]

Ranboo POV

Chat exploded




'Oh shit...'


'Knew it.'

"We're doing this now?" Tommy asked awkwardly.

"Just say it Tommy." I grabbed his hand.

"Say wh- what?" He awkwardly laughed.

"Tell me you love me!" I begged and squeezed his hand.

"Ranboo- I- I love you as a friend. Platonic." Tommy smiled at the camera and dropped my hand.

"Really!?- That's why I flew all the way out here to see you again?- That's why we were all up on each other in bed earlier?" I scoffed and crossed my arms.


'Wasn't expecting this.'

'Wait- Is Ranboo the boyfriend!?'


Tommy muted us, "Babe, what are you doing?"

"I want them to know Tommy." I clenched my fist, "I can't take this 'bro' and 'dude' stuff. I want 'Boo' and 'Babe'. I mean- I'll take 'Marky Poo' over 'friends'."

"Why like this?" He asked frowning.

"Well Tori said that if it bothers me I shouldn't hide this big part of my life." I frowned.

"Okay yeah- But not to drop a bomb on him like that. I said yous hold ask him about telling the people- Not whatever that was." Tori said scared.

Tommy chuckled, "You should've just asked me. I've been wanting to tell them- I was just unsure on how you felt."

"So...you're okay with this?" I asked amazed.

"Obviously- Ranboo I love you." Tommy smiled and cupped my face.

Tori sighed releaved and smiled.

"I love you more." I smiled and leaned in.

We kissed and I grabbed his waist. His hands went to my hair and I moved my hand up his shirt. He jumped up and rapped his legs around my hips. I held his thighs as we kissed.

"Guys, I love the moment. Honestly beautiful- but over 200,000 people are watching this live." Tori said.

We pulled apart and looked at the chat.


'Must be good'


'Ya'll really just did that.'



'Called it'


'I take it he's the boyfriend.'





Tommy got off me and unmuted. He put up our laced hands and smiled,"Guess what chat?"

I blushed, "We're dating!- And yeah...I'm the boyfriend."

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