《Chapter 10》

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Tommy POV

"R- Ranboo?" I whispered quietly checking if he was awake.

It was dark and I couldn't tell. Then I heard him, "Yes Tommy?"

I took a couple steps forward, "Uhm, I'm- I'm scared....."

He sighed, "You seemed perfectly fine near the end of the movie."

"Well, that's because....b- because I was with you..." I replied.

He laughed softly, "Okay, so....how should I help you?"

I thought he'd get the hint, but apparently not. "C- Can I sleep with you?- er- uh- next to you?"

He lifted the covers, "Yeah, sure. But only tonight okay?"

"Mkay." I said and then went into the bed.

As I got closer I started to see him clearer. I blushed almost red and good thing it was dark, so he couldn't see.

"Oh! Uh...." I didn't want to say anything and make it awkward.

He sighed again, "Is there a problem?"

"Uh- y- your shirtless...." I told him.

"I know." He replied blandly.

I could see his bare chest and stomach. He had....abs. Holy shit, I mean he wasn't buff, but he had quite the muscle. God dam, this is gonna be awkward...

I shook it off, and then layed down beside him. I layed down facing him and he shifted to look the other way.

That was kind rude...

"Ranboo?" I asked.

"Yes, Tommy?" He asked sounding a bit annoyed.

"Why are you facing that way?...C- Can you face me?" I asked timid.

He turned and faced me sighing, "Better?"

I nodded and then he closed his eyes. I scooted closer and then even closer. He opened his eyes and then raised an eyebrow, "Need something? Or did you just want to see upclose?"

"No, I just wanted to be close to you...like on the couch...." I said softly.

He sighed for the millionth time, "What do you really want Tommy? Cause all you asked for was to sleep next to me."

He asked so....I guess I'll answer. "I want to cuddle. I want you to hold me and I want to fall asleep in your arms."

He didn't say anything for a while and there was a moment of silence.

Ranboo POV

I don't want to become attached. And I'm trying my best to be careful, but he's just so pushy. I wanted to do everything he said too, but I didn't want him to think much of it. And ofcourse, I just couldn't tell him no.

Tommy POV

He opened his arms as a response and I moved only a bit closer. He wrapped his arms around me and pulled me closer to his chest. I melted into his touch and blushed a light pink.

"I really like your pajamas Tommy. They're adorable....just like you." He whispered.

I blushed, "Uh- Th- Thanks..."

"Mhmm, good night Tommy." He hummed.

"Goodnight." I replied still staring into his eyes.

"Are you going to bed?" He asked.

"...can I move closer?" I asked nervously.

He laughed and then pulled me to his chest. I was seriously as close to him as I'd ever been. My head under his chin and against his chest, my legs wrapped with his and his head resting ontop of mine.

"Better?" He asked.

I hugged him back then replied, "Much."

Holy shit....this is unreal.

He has no shirt on.....

Jeez, what am I saying.....we're just friends, he said it himself.

I shifted awkwardly and he seemed to notice I was now uncomfortable.

"What's wrong? I thought you wanted to fall asleep in my arms." He laughed.

"I do, it's just....y- your shirtless." I pointed out to him.

"Tommy, we already acknowledged it. Would you like me to put a shirt on?" He asked.

"...I mean, if you don't want to its fine...."

He sighed and got up leaving me on the bed. He went into the closet and put on a shirt. Then he came back, but didn't hold me like before.

He closed his eyes and seemed to be drifting off to sleep. But, I wanted him to hold me...

"Ranboo?" I said quietly.

He just reached out for me and pulled me back to how I was before. Then he said, "Please go to sleep now Tommy."

"Kay, goodnight." I said hugging him.

"Goodnight." He replied and kissed my head.

I think I turned a bright pink, which was unusual for me. I only ever blushed very lightly and rarely too. Ranboo made me blush a lot though, and him kissing my head didn't help. Good thing it was dark, so he couldn't see my unusually bright blush.

A couple minutes later I believe he'd fallen asleep, but I couldn't. I wasn't scared anymore, but he gave me an odd feeling in my stomach. It felt warm and safe, but it also made me want to run away and hide like a little kid.

It was a feeling I use to have when I was with.....Julie.

When she looked at me and winked I'd turn red, when she flirted my heart would flutter, when she kissed my cheek my stomach would feel this way. Now I was feeling this with Ranboo, and yet he's done none of the things she did. He doesn't wink at me that's for sure. That would just be weird. He doesn't flirt with m-...okay maybe he does. But, he doesn't kiss my cheek...I mean, unless you count my head.

Either way, it wasn't the same. The way I felt for Julie was romantic....even if it's starting to fade.....I can try my best to salvage it. The thing with Ranboo is strictly platonic....he said it himself when he was talking with Tubbo. If everything I did made him feel the way I kinda did, I'd know. And I've never seen him get too nervous or blushy around me...well, maybe he did just a little...but it wasn't romantic in any way. It was just as we'd both said, and that wouldn't change. We're....strictly platonic.

I shifted and tried pulling away from him. He had a tight grip that was hard to get out of. I struggled at first, but eventually I squeezed out. Good thing he was asleep though, cause that would've been pretty awkward. I still layed next to him, just not as close. I turned away from him and tried falling asleep......which would've been easier if I'd stayed where I was, but I couldn't squeeze my way back, he'd surely wake up.

It was better this way....apart. That way there was no misunderstandings. I was in the wrong to ask that of him.

...He shifted in his sleep and grabbed me by my waist. He pulled me back against his chest and nuzzled his head in the crook of my neck. His legs wrapped with mine and I was back where I was before, in his arms.

I know I was trying to cuddle with him at first, and then I was trying to keep away, but now...I just want to go to sleep. And with that, I fell asleep.

1,190 words
Sorry I was so late :(
Anywho- Uhm....I think I'm gonna take one more week for Boorista and Hoyshot, sorry.
Later Gamers and Gaymers

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