《Chapter 4》

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Ranboo POV

"Get up Ranboo. I know your supposed to be jetlagged, but your sleep schedules already fucked up. We need to help film a vlog for Tommy." Tubbo said and then left.

I was laying down peacefuly in my bed. I hadn't really slept last night. I fell asleep for like 3 hours and then woke up and couldn't go back to sleep.

I got out of bed and went to my closet. I changed into some jeans and then put on a red shirt. I slipped on a philza hoodie and then went out to the living room.

I sat on the other end of the couch Tommy sat on and Tubbo was making something in the kitchen. Tommy was texting someone on his phone and hadn't noticed I'd sat down.

"Mornin Boss Man, I'm almost done over here. Afterwards we're gonna go walk around the city and Tommy's gonna vlog." Tubbo said smiling.

"Alright." I replied opening my phone to scroll through Twitter.

Then I felt someone lean on me and I looked over to see Tommy. His head in my lap while he looked at his phone.

"Well goodmorning." I told him.

He looked away from his phone for a moment and looked at me, "Mornin' Ranboob."

Then he looked back to his phone, and it seemed like he was texting.

"Whatcha doin Tommy?" I asked him.

"I'm texting my girlfriend." He said.

Then I remembered what he had told me and decided to bring it up, "I thought your were breaking up with her."

"Me too....,but I don't really have much reason too." He shrugged.

"Tommy, if she doesn't make you haply there's other people who can. You should break up with her if that's the case." I told him.

He put his phone down and now he just looked up at me, "Have anyone in mind?"

"Wh- What? What do you me-" I stopped talking and looked away.

I knew I had a visible blush, and I couldn't let him see it.

Tommy POV

He stopped mid sentence and looked away. I could see the light pink shade cover his face and I realized.....he didn't have the mask on.

"Oh my gosh Ranboo, this is the first time I've seen you without the mask in person." I told him smiling.

Was I changing the subject?....yeah. But only because I didn't want to make him uncomfortable. Sure you could call what I was doing flirting, but it was friendly flirting that I did all the time on streams with everyone. It wasn't any different, this time it was just in person.

He laughed, "Y- Yeah it is."

"Ranboo, are you blushing?" I asked.

Look, I know I was trying not to make him uncomfortable, but I needed to clarify.

"Uh....well, no. What's there to blush about?" He asked.

I laughed, "Your cute Ranboo."

Look. Hear me out. It wasn't like you look cute, or I think your cute. It was cute how he got all flustered.

And ofcourse, his blush grew a slight shade brighter. I sat up and headed over to Tubbo because I wasn't gonna make it awkward.

Ranboo POV


He got up and went over to Tubbo. He sat on a stool at the island bar and casualy strikes up a conversation with Tubbo.

Well there was no point in over thinking it. So I got up and went to sit next to Tommy.

Then Tubbo handed us both plates of food and left one for himself as he sat down beside me. We ate and Tommy discussed the vlog and how he wanted it to go.

When we were finished eating Tubbo went to change out of his pajamas. Tommy sat next to me on his phone and I figured I should go get my mask and glasses.

I got up and immediately Tommy said, "Where you going?"

I turned around, "I need to get my mask and glasses, then I'll come back."

He turned back to his phone and said, "Personally, I like you better with out them. But, whatever."

"Well, I haven't revealed my face yet so-"

"I know, and I'm just saying because I think you should be more confident." He said shrugging.

I blushed, but luckily he was looking at his phone so he didn't see.

Tommy POV

I saw the blush as he walked off to get his stuff. Didn't matter though.

I got up and went to my room because I decided I should change.

Ranboo POV

I headed back into the kitchen with my mask and glasses in my pocket and sat next to Tubbo who had finished changing and now sat on the couch.

"What's up Tubbo." I smiled to him.

"Nothing, what up with you and Tommy huh?" He asked me.

Great here we go...

"Nothing Tubbo." I said rolling my eyes.

"Mhmm, sure. Ranboo I don't care what you two have going on. But, I don't need you to get hurt. He's straight and taken. Please, Ranboo....be careful." He told me.

"I promise Tubbo.....Me and Tommy were just-"

Tommy POV

I walked out of my room and down the hall. Then I heard Tubbo say something and I stopped to turn back to my room, but what Ranboo said....distracted me.

".....Me and Tommy were just making jokes. It's...playful flirting to break silence. I don't mean anything by it." He said calmly.

I walked back to my room and sat on my bed. I didn't want to eavsdrop...not any more anyways.

I couldn't understand how I was feeling. It's like it bothered me, but it also eased my worries.

My worries that Ranboo blushing meant he thought my 'flirting' was genuine and held meaning. Thankfully?....it didn't.

It didn't mean anything to him and it didn't mean anything to me.

It really was just playfull flirting to fill silence. It's like I said, it's something I do all the time online with my friends.

I don't know why it kinda shocked me at first when I heard him say it. I guess I just...I don't know....liked the fact he thought I was cool enough to flirt with?


I tell myself these things so I don't have to feel. And I know that I'm not sure on how I feel about....this topic. But for only a split second, I could've sworn I maybe liked that he was flirting with me.

However when it comes to my emotions...I've never fully understood them. It's all fine though because in reality, I'm straight and taken.

Whatever happens though, I know it's games for him. However I'll still wonder, could it be...real for me?....

....Any of it?


1,125 words
Thanks for reading.
Sorry I'm late :(
Hope you liked it though.
Later Gaymers and Gamers!

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