《Chapter 25》

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Ranboo POV

I held Tommy in my arms as he rest his head against my chest. He slept peacefuly and breathed regularly now.

He shuffled in his sleep and his eyes looked half open as he whispered, "I'm really glad you came Ranboo."

I smiled, "I'm not sure if your fully awake, or if you'll even remember this when you wake up, but-.....Tommy I-...I'm glad I came too."

I sighed and let him go. I got out of the bed and under my breath muttered, "Your so stupid! Were you about to confess to him half asleep!? Ughh, you idiot!"

I walked out as my face heated up. I walked out into the kitchen and filled up a glass of water. I gulped it down then went and layed on the couch as I look up at the cieling.

I can't not tell him.

I mean...I know he'll reject me, but it's better then keeping this bottled up.

I need to face the rejection so that this very strong likeing I've grown to Tommy can fade, because I think I'm starting to fall inlove.

Jeez....I- I can't let it get to that point.

I've gotta confess even if it means...possibly leaving early....

I began to tear up and I put an arm over my eyes, "Gosh darnit...I'm falling for Tommyinnit."

I laughed, "I'm falling for Tommyinnit!"

I sat up and shook my head, "Jeez...I remember when I didn't like him very much. He was a total jerk.....and then I had one facetime with him because of Tubbo and my entire perspective changed...."


Tubbo had just ended his stream and Tommy and I were waiting for him to undeafen.

A couple minutes of silence passed and then Tubbo spoke, "Actually guys, I don't think I'm gonna have time to chat like normal. I've gotta go...sorry. Bye!"

We were gonna say bye, but he left the call. I stared at the screen which displayed Tommy's profile picture of his face.

"You can go Tommy, I know you want to anyways." I said rolling my eyes, though he couldn't see me.

"Why don't you leave the call instead Ranboob." He mocked.

I sighed, "Don't call me that."

He made his voice deeper and spoke in a poor American accent to mock my voice, "Don't call me that."

I huffed, "Do you ever drop the act? I mean doesn't it get tiring to be 'Tommyinnit the annoying, loud, child' all the time?- Or is that just who you really are?"

"Fuck you, prick." He huffed.

I knew it was probably a rude question, because I didn't really know who he was. I've never hung out with just him or talked to just him.

"Tommy that was...rude. I- I'm sorry." I said instantly regretting what I'd previously said due to my anger.

He sighed, "It's okay...R-....R- Ranboo."

I chuckled, "Well, first time I've ever heard you say my name normally."

He laughed, "Yeah, sorry about that...I just do it cause the viewers seem to like our little rivalry."

I raised my eyebrows suprised as I thought to myself, Did he just...apologize?

"Ranboo?" He asked.

"Y- Yeah?" I asked refocusing.

He laughed, "Lost ya for a sec....what are you suprised to hear me sound so normal?"

I laughed too, "Actually....yeah."

He turned on his camera and I saw him laughing as he drank his Coke from the Coke can.

I smiled at this and then he said, "Now that I think about it....I've never seen your face."

I got nervous, Is he gonna ask me to turn my camera on?!

"Don't worry, I'm not asking to see your face now." He assured me then continued, But if I had to guess....I'd say you have dirty blonde hair."

I laughed, "You know that."

He laughed with me, "Okay, okay...I'd guess you have the most beautiful eyes."

I blushed, "Did you compliment me Tommyinnit?"

He rolled his eyes, "No, I've never seen your face before. So, I can't."

I shrugged, "Well, why do you think I'd have beautiful eyes?"

He shrugged, "I dunno....your voice seems soft, yet it's deep. Figured your eyes would be a dull color that had it's own shine to it."

I blushed, "Would you like to see my face Tommy?"

His eyes widened, "Seriously?!" He asked, "I- I mean only if you're okay with it."

I took a deep breath. The only people I've shown my face at this point were Tubbo, Dream, Phil, and Techno.

"Uhm...give me a moment, yeah?" I asked.

"Ofcourse. And again, only if your ready." He smiled softly.

"Thanks." I replied.

He nodded and waited. I quickly checked my face in the mirror. I fixed my hair then I heard him say, "You freshnin up?"

I laughed, "No, I'm just trying to calm my nerves."

He nodded and then I turned my camera on. He looked at me and then he smiled, "So, grayish blue eyes that seem to sparkle in the correct lighting."

I blushed ever so lightly, "Uh....so does that count as a compliment now that you've seen my face?"

He smiled brightly, "Yep. That's your very first compliment from the Tommyinnit."

I laughed, "Wow. I can't believe it."

He laughed, "Yeah, well pretty people like us should be praised for being pretty."

I blushed visibly noticeable, "Pretty people like us, eh?"

"Mhmm. You even have perfect teeth." He added.

I nodded, "Thanks Tommy."

He shrugged, "What are friends for?"

I smiled, "So....we're friends?"

"Well, now that I know your a real human being and that your not a snobby average American, yes." He giggled.

"I'm glad your not just Tommyinnit." I sighed.

He shrugged, "Nope, I'm also just me...Tommy."

I nodded, "Y'know I sorta prefer you this way."

He glowed, "Thanks. Good to know people will be my friend not just cause I'm famous."

"Y'know, you really are kind and pretty." I said looking into his soft blue eyes.

"Thanks, you too." He said staring back into mine.

End of Flashback ~

"I guess it's too late....I already love you Tommy." I mumbled.

1,032 words
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See yammer Gamers and Gaymers! <3

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