《Chapter 54》

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Quick Note: This chapter may or may not contain Julie. Also some non pg content :)

Tommy POV

He took a deep breath, "Oh....that's okay. Uhm- Did you see anything else?"

"No. I didn't want to be a snoop." I frowned.

"Your not. Now wait, while I get changed, mkay?" He smiled.

I let go and turned bright pink, "I've been hugging you naked!?"

He chuckled, "I have a towel, silly."

I sat on the bed, "Basically naked.

He rolled his eyes, "Whatever- You like me this way."

I bit my lip, "N- Not even..."

He leaned me down on the bed. I blushed brightly and he got on top of me. He kissed me and bit my lip. I moaned and let him slip his tongue in my mouth. He explored my mouth and then moved his tongue with mine. He slipped his hand up my shirt rubbing my side. I put my hand in his wet hair, messing it up.

The door opened, "Someone's here to see- Oh my god!- Put some clothes on Mark. And lock the door guys."

Ranboo moved off me, "Knock maybe?"

Tori rolled her eyes, "Whatever- Someone's here to see you Tommy...and she looks like a real hoe."

"Tori! Language!- But yeah." I shrugged.

"Okay, thanks- We'll be down soon." Ranboo said.

"Also Mark.....Y- You look good in just towels." She blushed and then left.

I scoffed, "I'm gonna beat her ass."

Ranboo chuckled with a light blush.

"Don't you dare blush- Now hype me up before I go see that bitch." I said.

He cleared his throat, "Sorry love- You're awsome! You're better then her man! You're totally out of her league dude! Don't let her get in your head bro! You're a big man! You've got this my guy!"

I jumped up and down, "I'm a big man!"

"Yeah you are!" Ranboo cheered.

"I'm the biggest man!" I pumped myself up.

"Yeah! Especially when you're under me- Pffft!" Ranboo started laughing.

I turned around and tackled him onto the bed, "Shut up!- I'm a big man!"

"The biggest man." He smiled and kissed my nose.

I blushed, "Thanks now put some clothes on dum dum."

I got off him and he went to his bag. He got out sweats, a shirt, and boxers. I turned away as he dropped the towel and changed.

When he was done he hugged me from behind, "Seriously though...You've got this. And I'm here for you to fall back on, okay?"

I nodded, "Okay."

I held his hand as we walked out of my room. We went downstairs and there she was sitting down at the table with my mum and cousin Tori.

All glamed up, with her stupid tight crop top showing her fuckin tits and her super tight skirt. Face all slathered in stupid make up- Lookin like a nasty clowm. Just tryna look good, because she thinks that's gonna work on me- Not.

We walked over to the table and Ranboo sat down. I got on his lap facing him and Ranboo blushed, "Baby I don't think now is the ti-"

"What do you want dumb bitch?" I asked.

"Tommy!" My mother yelled shocked.

"Bad words express my emotion, mother." I said and leaned on Ranboo's chest.

My mum scoffed, "Apologize now."

"No. Not till she apologizes for taking advantage of me and using me for my money." I said calmly as I put my arms around Ranboo's neck.

My mother raised a brow at Julie, "Excuse me?"

Julie awkward laughed, "Wh- What?- Tommy you've gone mad. I- I've never-"

"Oh bullshit!- I already broke up with you Julie!- I don't want you in my life even as a friend, okay? Leave me alone." I said, then scooted up more on Ranboo's lap.

Ranboo let out a soft breath and whispered, "Don't do that...."

I blushed and buried my head in his chest.

"I think....It's time for you to take your leave." My mother said nicely.

"Mrs. Simons, you know me to be kind. Just let me have a little sit down with him- Your son is inlove with me after all. Remember?" She said all fake and kind.

"Uhm excuse me!?- No. He's inlove with me and she already asked you to leave- So leave!" Ranboo got mad and held me tightly.

She scoffed, "Is everyone against me here!? Like seriously?- Here me out!"

Tori raised her hand, "I wasn't against you- but I am now....You should really leave."

Julie fumed, "Tommy- This isn't the end of us."

"Yes it is!" I took a calm breath, "Julie, take a hint. I never told you the L word. I've only ever said it to Ranboo. We're not inlove Julie. Get a job, make your own money get- a life...I did care about you....,but you're too different now to even be my friend. Please. Just leave me alone." I said seriously.

She sighed, "Goodbye then."

She stormed out and I hugged Ranboo tightly, "Carry me back?"

He kissed my cheek, "Mhmm."

He picked me up and waved to them bye. He went upstairs then into my room. He sat me in bed and smiled, "Great job Bubba. You did it....I knew you could."

I smiled, "Thanks...I love you Mark."

He blushed, "I love you too Tommy."

I pulled him down on me. He kept himself up with his arms and elbows. I sighed, "When you get that green card....I want to live with you Mark."

He smiled, "I was already looking at houses."

I smiled, "Really?"

He nodded, "Yeah...I need to talk to my parents ofcourse, and then.....My dreams will finally come true."

I cupped his face, "How so?"

"Well....I've been wanting to get with you for some time Tommy. And moving in with you would just be like the icing on the cake, y'know?" He bit his lip.

I blushed, "What about....marriage?"

He didn't even flinch, "That's out of the question baby."

"In what way?" I asked.

"Well- I'm gonna marry you one day. And we're gonna have that perfect future together, kay?" He smiled.

I nodded, "Kay."

"Now- Can I kiss you?" He asked.

"I like when you ask- And yes." I smiled.

He pursued my lips and my hands went back to his hair. He bit my lip and pushed his tongue in. He placed himself on my crotch and began rubbing against me. I became a mess as we went back to what we'd been doing earlier.

1,091 words
Super early updates :]
See you around four still <3

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