《Chapter 57》

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Quick Note: A week later.

Ranboo POV

Tha talk with my parents was excellent. They said I could move as long as I kept in touch and visited. So I did everything I wanted to do.

And after that....I sat down and talked to Tommy about therapy again. He agreed to go, and I insisted on paying for all of it. I was happy he was gonna get the real help he needs.

Cause- I love him.

Tommy POV

Ranboo had talked with his parents and it had all gone well. He also convinced me to go to therapy- but I don't like to talk bout it much.

After he got the okay from his parents, he applied for a green card here in the United Kingdom and was in the process of obtaining it. Fortunately, he could live with me while in that process since he's my boyfriend and I am a UK citizen. Which meant we wouldn't have to be seperated.

As for moving out!- Ranboo and I got a house together not too far from my parents and a little closer towards the city. We have streaming rooms, a nice backyard, two bedrooms- Second one for a guest. Three bathrooms, one in each room and a general one with just a toilet. We have an open kitchen and dining space. Also, a nice living room. We fully furnished our entire house and my parents and Tori offered to help us.

Oh!- Did I mention that Ranboo bought a car?! Cause he bought me a car! He's so incredibly thoughtful and sweet. I love him so much!....Sorry I'm getting side tracked. Also uh- 'our' car...

Anyways, right now it was dark out. It was 10:57pm at night and my mom, dad, and Tori were leaving now, after we had furnished the entire house.

I was holding Ranboo's hand as we watched my mum, dad, and Tori get into the car.

"Can't thank you guys enough for all the help in moving. Appreciate it- really. You're welcome any time! See you guys!" Ranboo smiled at them as he waved a goodbye.

I waved to my mum and dad, "Bye! Love you guys so much! And thankyou for helping us with all the moving!"

My mum teared up, "My little Tommy is moving out and he's growing up finally." She sniffled, "I'm so happy for you darling, goodbye! I'll see you soon Tommy and Ranboo."

"Bye son. Bye Ranboo....Take good care of him. He swears he's a big man, but...He really does need someone there. He's a lot of work, but you can do it. See you two when I see ya." My father waved.

Tori stuck her head out the window of the back and smiled, "Love you cuz. Take care of him Ranboo. Oh and don't worry guys- I know I have a place to crash when my mum kicks me out. Bye you two!"

She waved and blew us kisses.

We waved back as they drove away and it was just me and Ranboo at the front of our new house. Ranboo took a deep breath and then squeezed my hand, "This is it Tommy."

"Mhmm...Our final destination." I giggled and admired our home. 

He kissed my hand, "So....you ready?"

"Yep. Let's go in and see our house complete- for the first time ever!" I smiled and we approached the front door.

He took out a key from his pocket, "For you my love- Do the honors."

I put out my hand and he dropped the key into my hand. I inserted the key and took a deep breath, "Living together....It's a big step, huh?"

"Yep...,but I think we're ready for it, no?" He asked with an eyebrow raised.

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