《Chapter 32》

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Tommy POV

"Later Boys!" I yelled into the camera and waved.

"Alright- Bye everyone!" Ranboo waved and then clicked end stream.

I kissed Ranboo, "I've been waiting so long for that."

He smirked, "Oh yeah?"

"Mhmm..." I hummed and grabbed his shirt.

He picked me up and moved me to the bed. I blushed, "Ranboo?"

He chuckled, "Don't worry Tommy."

He got ontop of me and I pulled him down for a kiss. It got pretty intense. He rolled his crotch down on mine and I moaned. He did it again though and I winced, "Ah- Ranboo!"

He stopped and moved off, "What's wrong?"

I cut myslef down there.....shit.

"N- Nothing..." I answered, "Let's just stop."

He hugged me, "Okay."

He put a hand on my thigh and rubbed it. Then he moved his hand to the inside and rubbed again. I winced, "Boo stop it!

"Why what's wrong?" He asked.

"Nothing...I just don't want you touch me." I gulped.

He nodded, "Right....You were just all over me and now all that is just gone- You don't want me to touch you anymore."

"Yeah." I awkwardly smiled.

He kisses my neck softly up and down, "You sure?"

I bit my lip, "Okay, okay...keep going."

He got back ontop of me and rubbed against me again. I winced, "Mh- Ranboo!"

He did it again a little more aggressively, "Does it feel good or does it hurt?"

I whimpered, "B- Both?"

It was like he knew, but he was unsure.

"Can I take your pants off?" He asked.

"No!" I yelled.

He raised a brow, "Why not?...It could be fun." He leaned in and whispered, "C'mon baby. Lemme see you naked~"

I turned red, "No! I- I don't want to. I'm uncomfortable and you can't just take my pants off me."

"Tommy I'd never do that to you- And I wouldn't manipulate you into having sex with me, okay?" He said a little offended.

"Oh I know!" I half smiled.

He nodded, "So then...You don't want to do this right?"

"No...,but can you still like....touch me and stuff?" I awkwardly asked.

He nodded, "Ofcourse..."

He moved off me and sat beside me. He rubbed under my shirt and I bit my lip and leaned on him. With his other hand he rubbed my thigh. Then he rubbed my inner thighs and I winced, "Okay stop!"

"Take your pants off." He demanded.


"Take them off or I will." He said upset.

I took them off and he spread my legs. He saw the cuts on my thighs and took a shaky breath, "Damit Tommy....Do I have to check your whole body for cuts every second I leave you alone?!"

I teared up, "I'm sorry! I did it cause I annoyed you! And I wasn't being a good boyfriend...."

He scoffed, "What?....Tommy no. I love you so much. Your a great boyfriend and you were not annoying me, we talked about this. You promised me you wouldn't do this anymore."

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