《Chapter 11》

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Ranboo POV

I woke up and there was no Tommy. I didn't really care, but I just hoped he wouldn't be weird about it. I rubbed my eyes and yawned. As I was getting up, Tommy walked in, changed out of his pajams. He slowly closed the door behind him then turned around.

He saw me up and he blushed, "Sorry, I just wanted to change and then I was gonna come back...uh, but you can change I'll just....go."

I nodded, "Kay, well....goodmorning."

He smiled, "Goodmorning."

I opened my eyes and he came to hug me. I hugged him and he said, "You give nice hugs Ranboo."

I chuckled, "You've said that already."

He shrugged, "Just thought you should know."

We pulled away and I said, "I'll see you in a bit kay?"

"Mhmm." He hummed and then left outside.

I got changed and then checked my phone. I had missed a call from my mom and I had a couple messages from friends. I gave my mom a quick text. Then I noticed it was only 8am and was suprised on how well I'd slept.

I walked out and went to the living room where I saw Tommy laying down on the couch. He was on a facetime with who I'm pretty sure is his girlfriend. I didn't really like her and not because I had a very mini crush on Tommy, but because of what I'd heard them talk about.

I walked over to Tommy and he muted himself. I sat down right next to him in frame of his camera and I saw her sit up and fix her hair. Which was kind of weird.

"Just a sec, Ranboo..." he smiled and put earbuds in.

I just sat there and went on my phone as he talked to her. And though I could only hear what he was saying, I had a good idea on what they were talking about. I just listened though, and didn't say anything.

"....It's just my friend...Why?....Okay, jeez his name is Ranboo......uh, I mean yeah he is, why does it matter though?.....trust me I'm not...look, what do you need? I'm busy and don't have time for this.............okay, I'm s- sorry....kay, I will...yes I will....mhmm, bye." He sighed and finally hung up the phone. He took the earbuds out and then sat up and leaned on me.

"What's wrong?" I asked laughing.

He whined, "I'm just so confused about everything!"

I stopped laughing cause I was just really confused, "What about?"

He smiled, "Its none of your buisness Ranboo."

I rolled my eyes, "Can you atleast tell me if it was anything about the call you just had?"

He laughed, "Yeah, why?"

"Well, I may not have been able to hear her, but I could heard you and I couldn't help but notice my name was brought up." I smirked.

He blushed only slightly and replied, "She just wanted to know who you were?"

"Why's that?" I asked with an eyebrow raised.

"I- I don't know." He replied.

"She seemed interested Tommy." I laughed.

He rolled his eyes and huffed, "Well, she can take a step back."

I laughed again, "I don't understand, me or her?"

Isn't he supposed to be telling me to take the step back?

"Uh...both of you. Plus, you'd never date someone like her." He said scooting closer.

"What do you mean 'someone like her'?" I asked him.

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