《Chapter 31》

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Ranboo POV

I just texted my parents because I didn't feel like giving them a call. I sat in my room waiting for Tommy. I decided to start up the stream. And so I went over to my PC, put on my mask and glasses. Then I went live, just chatting.

"Hey guys! We're gonna have a pretty chill stream today. And Tommy might join us a little soon." I smiled underneath the mask.

"Yay Tommy!"

"What about Tubbo?"

"Allium Duo!"

"I'm not sure if Tubbo will join us, he's pretty tired from his stream." I said.

"Ranboo!" I heard Tommy yell.

The chat heard him too-


"Was that Tommy?"


I yelled back, "Yes Tommy?"

"N- Nothing!" He yelled.

That's wierd.

Guess the chat thought so too-


"Kinda wierd!"

"Okay guys, it wasn't wierd- he probably just needed me, but didn't anymore." I laughed awkwardly.

Tommy walked in and hugged me, "Why's your mask on Boo?"

I pressed mute and blushed underneath the mask, "Tommy I'm live."

His eyes widened, "Oh...my bad."

He awkwardly laughed then waved at the screen.

"Its muted." I told him.

"Oh okay...did they hear what I said?" He asked nervous.

I nodded, "Yep."

He groaned, "Great, well I'm gonna go get a chair."

I grabbed his hand, "Why not sit on my lap?"

He blushed, "I would if you weren't live."

I laughed, "Fair enough."

He left to bring in a desk chair and I unmuted, "He'll be back with a chair."

The chat wanted to know why he called me 'Boo', so I said, "I don't like it, so he teases me."

Tommy came back in and rolled a chair over. He closed the door and then sat beside me, "Hello Chat!"

They all spammed 'Hello'.

"So is this Just Chatting?" Tommy asked me.

"Yep." I smiled.

"Cool." He smiled back at me.

We stayed staring. We both subconsciously leaned in- I pulled away and muted.

"Tommy can we just tell everyone right now. I want to hold you..." I pleaded.

He smiled, "Ofcourse."

We unmuted and then Tommy cleared his throat, "So chat. Listen- we're about to make a crazy announcement! And if there are any haters once revealed- you'll be banned....."

Tommy looked at me and held my hand below the camera view. He looked right into the screen, "I'm..."

I noticed right away he didn't want to- Or rather that he was afraid, nervous....scared.

So ofcourse I would never pressure that- I'd help him out.

Tommy POV

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