《Chapter 8》

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Tommy POV

I got changed quickly and then called my girlfriend.

Why am I still with her? I don't know why I haven't dumped her yet.....

I layed down on my bed and facetimed her. It half rang and she picked up immediately.

"Hey Tom Tom, I noticed you hadn't sent the money. And now that you've streamed can you send it?" She asked sweetly, smiling into the camera.

She's pretty, that's for sure. Long, straight  light brown hair, light green eyes and a beautiful smile......

When I first met Julie, it was at a shopping center in the city. I approached her first and I asked her for her number. She hadn't recognized me and still she gave me her number. Not too long after I asked her out on a date and she said yes. We had an instant connection and it was nice to have someone who liked me for me and not because I was some famous influencer.

I also remember when I officially asked her out.....to be my girlfriend. The way she blushed pink and smiled so genuinely. The way the old sweet nickname Tom Tom flowed from her pink lips. When she said yes, I was ecstatic...and I was nervous to tell her about how I was a streamer.

When I finally told her, she was super supportive and suprisingly not weirded out by it. I remember when the reason she called was just to talk to me or ask me how my day was, even just to see my face. I remember the time she genuinely told me she loved me.....but I wasn't ready to say it back.......and instead of being upset about it, she had told me it was nothing to worry about. I remember when I started to believe I was falling inlove.....and then she found out about my income.

She and her family have always been financially challenged, and when she first asked me for money I was more than happy to help out. I gave her a very generous amount......and slowly she started to ask more and more. Then she asked for larger amounts....more frequently......and soon, it was all she ever called for.

When I expressed how I felt about it, nothing really changed. She still only called for money, except now she'd be more lovey dovey while doing so. The once affectionate petname Tom Tom, became a name I can't stand hearing from anyone.

When I first helped her out with money I had assumed she needed it for basic essentials because of her financial situation, but I think I'm starting to realize that isn't the case........

As much as it hurts me to try and let her go, I know that she's changed......she's not the same Julie I knew before. I want to try and believe she's still a good person at heart, but even so....I can't be with her...and I really can't give her anymore money.

I have to break up with her soon.....but I'm not so sure I'm ready or know how to go about it.

"Tom Tom?!" She asked sounding a little upset.

I blinked myself out of thought and then replied, "Y- Yes?"

"Are you gonna send the money?" She asked.

"Uh-.....y- yeah." I said opening my Venmo.

She smiled again into the camera, "Thankyou so much Tom Tom! Love you lots, later!"

"Later." I mumbled and she hung up.

I sent her the money and sighed.

I'll break it off soon.....when I'm ready.

And until then, I'll try my best to not give her any money.

I took a deep breath and got up off my bed. I walked into the living room where Ranboo was sitting on his phone and so I sat on the other end of the couch.

He didn't acknowledge me, he just continued to scroll on his phone. So, I did the same and a couple minutes later Tubbo walked in with a smile.

"Great news guys! Wilbur and George can come and since they're gonna be here late they decided they'd stay the night." He smiled looking accomplished.

"What about Jack?" Ranboo asked.

"What about Jack?" I asked Ranboo with an eyebrow raised.

"Jeez. I just wanted to know if he was coming too or not." He said returning the raised brow to me.

"No, he couldn't make it, and plus...he does live the furthest of them all." Tubbo shrugged as he walked out and to his room.

Ranboo and I nodded. Then he looked back to his phone. I scooted down the couch to sit next to him. Close enough so that our shoulders and legs were touching.

He looked up from his phone and to me, "Is there something you need?"

I shook my head slowly and then quickly nodded instead.

He sighed, "What is it Tommy?"

I shrugged, "I don't know......why are you so interested in Jack though?"

He shook his head, "I already told you, I wanted to know if he was coming or not."

"Does it matter?" I asked scooting closer looking up at him.

He scooted away, but he didn't go very far since he was already at the end of the couch. He furrowed his eyebrows, "I mean....yeah? Wouldn't you like to know whose coming and whose not?"

I nodded, "Well.....I guess...sorry, I just wanted to know if he peeked your interest."

He seemed confused, "What do you mean 'peeked my intrest'?"

I leaned my back on his side and layed my legs on the couch. I shrugged, "I dunno, I was just...wonderin...."

I pulled out my phone and turned it on, then he put his hand over it and said, "How about you elaborate?"

I rolled my eyes, "There's not much to elaborate on, sorry."

I grabbed his hand and moved it off of my phone, but then I didn't let go of his hand. He pulled it away and I still held on.

"Uh, Tommy let go of my hand." He said pulling his hand away.

"Why? You don't wanna hold my hand?" I asked looking back at him with sad eyes.

He furrowed his eyebrows, "Not really."

"Fine then." I huffed and let go.

He chuckled softly, "Y'know I never imagined you'd be so clingy in real life as you are online. And I had no idea you'd be so affectionate and touchy."

"I'm not either of those things." I said.

He got up from the couch and I pulled him back down. I layed my head in his lap now and I didn't even think about what I was doing, it was almost like instinct.

He laughed, "Your all of those things."

I huffed, "Whatever."

1,130 words
I had a birthday thing, sorry I was so late :(
Two for each book today to make up for it!
So see you in a bit!

Some people got confused-
It's not my birthday. I had a birthday party I went to.

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