《Chapter 27》

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Tommy POV 

"Hello, I'm Chris. I'll be your waiter today. Can I get you started with a drink?" The black haired boy asked.

"Can I just get a water?" Ranboo replied.

"Mhmm." The boy replied smiling, "And what about you blondie?"

I laughed at his comment, "Uhm, I'll have a Coke."

Ranboo scooted closer to me and our legs touched, "You sure Coke is the best thing for you in the morning Tom?"


I looked to Ranboo and frowned, "I know....I'll take a water."

"Alright, you got it. I'll be back shortly." The boy clicked his pen then walked off.

"Blondie?....talk about wierd." Ranboo muttered.

I laughed, "It was funny."

He took his mask off and shrugged as he opened a menu, "So what do you want to eat Tommy?"

I shrugged smiling, "I dunno, but what're you getting....Mark?"

He blushed and looked at me, "What?!"

I laughed, "You called me Tom."

He shook his head, "Okay, but that's not so different from Tommy. You went from Ranboo to Mark."

"Same thing Marky poo." I giggled.

He blushed brighter, "Cut it out Tommy."

I sighed, "What's wrong with Mark? Its a nice name."

He shrugged, "It's just....wierd when you say it..."

"I like to call you Mark." I smiled softly.

His color slowly returned to normal, and he sighed, "Just...don't call me that all the time, kay? And not infront of any of our friends- and especially not on stream or infront of fans."

"So only in secret?" I laughed.

He smiled, "Yeah..."

"Who else calls you Mark?" I asked.

"No one, but my parents." He replied.

I smirked, "So, I'm special?"

He chuckled, "Sure."

The waiter came back to our table and set down the two waters, "Here's your waters. Now, can I get you something to eat or did you need some time?"

I looked to Ranboo and he said, "....I'll just have pancakes."

"Alright and what about you blondie?" The waiter asked.

I had to admit, it was sorta wierd that he called me that, "Uh-...I'm not sure."

He smiled, "Well that's alright cutie, do you need some help?"

I felt Ranboo's hand grab my thigh and then begin to rub it gently. My heart beat sped up significantly and my face started to heat up. It sent butterflies to my stomach and it was completely taking my mind off of how the waiter just called me 'cutie'.

Ranboo kept rubbing my thigh gently as he spoke, "I can help him just fine, right Bubba?"

I turned red and nodded, "Mhmm."

"So just give us a minute, yeah?" Ranboo asked and squeezed my thigh.

The boy blushed lightly of embarrassment, "Right! Well I'll be back in a bit then..." He cleared his throat then walked off.

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