《Chapter 46》

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Ranboo POV

Thank god it was almost time. I couldn't wait any longer.

Tommy POV

All day was spent in bed. I hadn't eaten anything...and I didn't really plan on it. I just wanted to lay in bed and cry about Ranboo.

Eventually....Sure, I'd move on. But, not today. Today I'm just...stuck on the thought of him.

My mum knocked and softly called, "Tom?"

"Yes mum?" I answered.

"Have you gotten up at all today?- Did you eat anything today?" She asked.

"Yeah mum uh- When you left for errands with dad, I got up and ate. Watched TV, streamed, called my boyf-....Best friend, and took a shower even. Don't worry mum, I'm fine." I tried assuring her.

I could hear her smile, "I'm glad you're staying product, darling."

My heart hurt as she called me darling. The only other person to call me that was Ranboo. The way he said it made my heart flutter and get warm. It was different then when family said it.

"Yep, you know me mum!- Always...busy." I sighed then frowned.

"Alright, well goodnight Tommy." She said then walked off.

"Night mum!" I called.

I sniffled and turned over in bed, "And goodnight Ranboo.....I love you."

I cried softly to sleep.

~ Time Skip ~

Ranboo POV

Finally on the way.

I made promises, that won't be broken. I know I can fix this.

~ Time Skip ~

Tommy POV

I had finally been sleeping pretty peacefully and comfortably till I heard my mom call, "Tommy!"

I groaned and didn't respond. Then I heard my father, "There's someone here to see you. Now c'mon!"

What the hell?

Whose at the door at his time of night?

How urgent could this be?

I got up out of bed and walked out of my room. I walked down the hall, down stairs, then turned right and saw him.


He took a couple steps forward, coming into the house. He gave a small smile and opened his arms, "Hey Tommy."

I cried and ran over. I hugged him and sobbed, "I missed you so much!"

My parents smiled then closed the door.

"He can stay. Get some rest though, goodnight boys." My mum said and then they walked off to their room.

"I missed you too Tommy." He whispered in my ear.

I blushed and my heart fluttered. I hugged him tighter, "Let's talk in the morning. Right now I just want to be with you."

"Whatever you want Tommy." He said then picked me up. He grabbed my bare thighs and I remembered that I was only wearing a hoodie and boxers.

I winced, "Boo!"

"Sorry." He said and held me more gently seeing my cuts. 

He walked up the stairs and down the hall.

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