《Chapter 43》

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Ranboo POV

God I miss Tommy so much. Its been another week. We're doing pretty good. We fall asleep on call all the time. We stream together all the time. And....I feel like Tommy has really been connecting with me on a whole other emotional level.

I mean- He confides literally everything into me. And he tells me about his day before he goes to sleep. I don't even ask, he just shares. And I love it.

I can't wait to see my Tommy and hug him. It's been so long already.

Today I wanted to finally beat our Minecraft world that we'd started last week. Tommy just hasn't felt like streaming in a while, though he does genuine seem better. I even mentioned therapy to him and he considered it, which makes me really happy. Cause when I used to bring up therapy he'd get mad or turn it down completely.

Right now I was changing. I had just woke up and hadn't said godmorning to Tommy.

I finished changing then picked up my phone, "Tommy?"

His face popped in frame, "Goodmorning gorgeous."

I blushed, "Goodmorning baby, whatcha doin?"

He smiled, "Right now I just got out of the shower. And I'm gonna go eat dinner right now."

I nodded, "Well, I'm gonna go eat breakfast."

"You should shower first babe." He giggled.

I rolled my eyes, "Why?- I smell lovely, no?"

He laughed, "Like I'd be able to tell."

I sighed into a frown, "I.....I wish you could."

He frowned, "I love you."

"I love you more." I said and bit my lip while holding back all the visible emotion.

"Go shower babe, then we'll eat together." Tommy smiled.

I nodded, "Mkay, be out in a bit."

"I'll be here." Tommy winked and waved.

I blew a kiss then walked off.

~ Time Skip ~

I came out of the shower and back to my phone.

"All clean!" I cheered.

Tommy saw me and smiled brightly, "My gorgeous clean boyfriend."

I smiled, "Okay....I'm hungry now."

"Alright." He chuckled and we both walked to our own kitchens.

We both got food and then went back to our rooms. We hung up and used discord on our PCs.

It was like he was sitting across from me. I liked it....It was nice.

"How's your cereal?" He giggled.

I rolled my eyes, "What're you eating, huh?- You got a full meal over there."

He shrugged, "I'm like royalty, Ranboo."

I stifled a laugh, "Yeah, okay."

"Ranboo?" He asked a little serious.

"Yes love?" I replied. 

He cleared his throat, "I hate lieing to you Ranboo. So I want to show you- er...tell you."

I was so confused, "What is it Tommy?"

"I'll tell you, but you can't get mad or start crying. And- I already solved it, so please don't try to do anything...stupid." He said.

What the heck did he do?

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