《Chapter 48》

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Tommy POV

Ranboo and I sat down at the table for breakfast. I was really hoping my mum wouldn't bring up...earlier. And that she hadn't told my father.

She served us our food then sat down.

"How'd you sleep?" I asked awkwardly.

"Good." They both replied.

Then my father asked, "And...you two?"

"Great." I smiled then added, "Not great!- Well good....,but not great like that, y'know?"

Ranboo sighed and I awkwardly laughed.

"Mhmm...I'm sure you slept better then 'great', huh?" My mother asked.

I blushed and then my father asked, "Ranboo. How would you say you slept?"

"Uh...well?" Ranboo answered nervously.

"Hmm.....And where did you sleep?" He asked.

"I- In Tommy's bed." He answered.

"Right, and did you keep your hands to yourself?" He asked sternly.

"Well...not exactly- But I didn't violate your son or touch him inappropriately...." then he mumbled, "Not without consent at least..."

"What was that?" My mum asked.

"I hugged him to bed." Ranboo smiled.

"Next time keep your hands on your side and face the other way." My dad said.

"Dad! He's my boyfriend!- He can hug me while we sleep." I said a little upset.

"Well...technically you broke up with me, so we're not actually together." Ranboo cut in.

I scoffed, "Ranboo!"

"Just being honest..." He mumbled.

"If your not together- Why did he show up in the middle of the night and why was he- y'know with you?" My mother asked.

"We are together mum. We've been together for months." I smiled.

"Yeah, but you broke up with me like yesterday." Ranboo cut in again.

"Right. Well since you're broken up. Ranboo sleeps on the couch or air mattress. And no locked doors. Also- No touching Tommy." My father said.

Ranboo gulped, "I didn't do anything wrong to him sir, I was just-"

My dad interrupted, "Catching a feel?- I don't care. Nothing you say can change the fact you like to rub up against my son."

"Well yes, but that's part of a relationship, is it not?- I mean...he's your son. How did you make him?- Physical stuff sir." Ranboo said then continued, "I don't think separating us will help. Infact it just makes us want that more." Ranboo explained.

"Well you two aren't in a relationship, s-"

"Tommy will you go back out with me?" Ranboo grabbed my hand and asked interrupting my father.

I blushed and nodded, "Ofcourse!"

My dad huffed and Ranboo asked, "And now?"

"Keep your hands off my son." He said upset.

"Yes sir." Ranboo said and dropped my hand.

"How are you with kissing?- or basically what you walked in on?" Ranboo asked.

I turned red, "Ranboo!"

"Excuse me?!" My dad yelled.

Ranboo chuckled, "Only joking sir. I will not touch your son. But if he touches me....It's out of my control."

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