Chapter 6: What is This? A Hollywood Highschool Movie?

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CW: blood, bullying, sexual innuendos (thanks Remus), talk of gangs and murder

"Let me kill them," Roman growled, his arms crossed.

"No," Virgil repeated, holding the stiff brown school paper towel against his bloody nose.

"Let me kill them!"

Virgil slammed his hand on the sink he was leaning against. "Enough. It already happened, now let it go."

The demon growled, his red eyes glowing brighter. "Those boys shouldn't have touched you! They shouldn't even have the right to look at you!"

"It's fine."

"No it's not! You're hurt! This isn't fine at all! Why didn't you fight back?"

Virgil sighed and removed the paper towel to see his nose had stopped bleeding. "It would have made things worse. There were three of them and only one of me, do you really think I could have stood a chance?"

"Why didn't you let me help?"

"Because I saw your 'help' earlier! You-" Virgil cut himself off to lower his voice as he hissed, "You tore those people apart. It's not like I'm not grateful that I wasn't the one killed but it was horrifying nonetheless. Besides, who do you think would have been blamed for that? I would have gotten in trouble and been expelled or worse, put in jail."

Roman sighed, rubbing his eyes. "What was it called, bullies? That's the word now? So you just let them beat you up and do nothing about that."

"I do try to avoid them, they're just some kids who like to make themselves feel better about themselves by messing with some orphan boy. Trust me, now that I'm in my senior year it's gotten much better."

Roman's eyes widened. "It was worse than that?! Why didn't you do anything?!"

"Because it always gets worse! I would tell a teacher, the kids would get suspended, then they would come back and nearly kill me! Nothing helped, so I let a few of them take a few swings or kicks every week or so and then they leave me alone for a bit." Virgil grabbed his backpack and wiped the rest of the blood away. "Now come on, it's time for lunch and I want to eat something before next class."

Roman growled but followed, still invisible to the rest of the world. Virgil made his way to the cafeteria, trying to not wince as he walked on what was hopefully not a twisted knee. He hated when they kicked him on the back of his knee, a simple push would do just fine since it wasn't like he was going to fight back.

Virgil flinched when a red mist surrounded him, but calmed down as the pain eased away. He adjusted his backpack before muttering, "Thanks."

"I should have done it earlier, but I had just gotten so angry."

"I could tell. But seriously, don't kill anyone. That's a command."

Roman growled with a roll of his eyes. "As you wish. Humans have gotten softer."

Virgil entered the cafeteria, where pretty much all of the students were already except for those who hung outside of the cafeteria doors. He made his way through the quick moving line that was already pretty short, grabbing a tray with the cardboard tasting pizza and definitely not fresh vegetables. It was all he could grab besides some milk that didn't cost any money.

He made his way to a table that was already empty, setting the tray down and his bag next to him. Though, instead of eating he pulled out his phone to scroll through it aimlessly.

Roman huffed and was going to say something but a tray was placed in front of Virgil's. The teen tensed before looking up and seeing Janus, relaxing a bit.

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