Chapter 23: Heather, Heather, Heather, and Remus?

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CW: sexual innuendos, brief mention of homophobia, sexism, and murder (they talk about Heather)

Walking into school was starting to be the worst part of Virgil's day, though he had started to get used to the imps hissing at him and Roman. Of course, the little demons have made his own more protective and on edge while at school.

Roman's finger was tapping his arm as they sat in class, waiting for it to start. Virgil had pulled out his notebook and was doodling in the margins for a bit, just different shapes and patterns.

"You should probably relax," Virgil suggested.

"I find that difficult to do," Roman responded, watching the imp that was sitting on the teacher's desk. It chittered a small laugh, making Roman growl. "I want to get rid of them all."

"We can't do that. That'll only make things between us and the others worse, and we don't need that right now. Which, admittedly, is my fault. But hey, if worse comes to worse, you said you're a good fighter, right?"

"Of course I am, I wouldn't be a prince if I wasn't."

"There ya go, princey. I'm sure I'll be just fine as long as you're with me. Now grab a pencil and draw, it'll keep you relaxed."

Roman frowned in confusion, but did as Virgil suggested. He pulled out his own notebook and thought for a moment before drawing the figure of a person. He preferred to draw more fluid shapes than patterns like Virgil, and he wasn't too bad at it.

As the teacher walked back in, Virgil looked up from his notebook and set his pencil down. Though he had looked over and caught a glimpse of Roman drawing a person, no one familiar and it was just from the shoulders up, but it was still turning out good.

"Damn, is there anything you're not good at?" Virgil teased.

"What can I say, I'm perfect." Roman put a hand to his chest.

"Perfectly annoying."

"You still called me perfect, no take backs!"

"Okay everyone, settle down," the teacher called. "Let's just start with attendance."


"Wee!" Remus shouted, falling into his seat at the lunch table that has somehow become their regular spot. "Drama class is so fun!"

"Oh yeah, I forgot you had that class," Virgil commented, stirring around the weird looking gravy and mashed potatoes. He wasn't going to eat it obviously. "I still never would have thought of you as a theater kid, Janus."

The witch shrugged as he sat down calmly. "What can I say, part of me has a flare for the dramatics."

"Hm, I don't see it. You'd need a fancy cape and bowler hat, and maybe some fancy gloves instead of those fingerless ones."

"Oh he'd look so good in that!" Remus said. "Though, my Janny can make anything look hot. I can't wait until we get to wear our costumes for the upcoming play though!"

"Oh, you guys are working on that? What play will it be?" Virgil asked, leaning on his arm.

"Heathers, we already went and casted the roles," Janus said, picking up the chicken sandwich and wondering if he was hungry enough to try it.

"Let me guess, you're a techie again?"

"Uh, no, I-I actually have a role this time." The witch set the sandwich down and started to play with his earring.

"Really! What role did you get?"

"Uh... JD. Don't ask me how, I just got it."

"That's awesome! You could pull off a good JD."

"Actually... Remus told me that Roman was contracted to Shakespeare so I was wondering if you could help me out?"

"Ugh, don't remind me of him," the demon growled. "But sure, I'll help."

"Wait, you worked with William Shakespeare?" Virgil asked.

"Yeah and he was the biggest asshole ever! Though he was witty, I'll give him that."

"Who else have you worked with?"

"Kings, queens, a bunch of other famous people of the past. I've gotten around a lot."

"Hardly ever in their beds though."

"I don't sleep with snobs."

"Uh huh, well I never saw you say no to that one prince. What was his name?"

Roman's face turned red. "I was contracted to him, of course I couldn't say no!"

"Don't lie, you enjoyed it. A prince and a prince, what could have been a better combination? I bet you savored his soul-"

"Okay, enough, we're not talking about Henry."

Virgil choked back a laugh. "Henry?"

"It was a very popular noble's name back then!"

"Like you have room to talk, Virgin. Cecil? Out of all the guys here?" Remus teased. "I get that he looked hot, and was kind to you at first, but he had a whole list of red flags! I got dirt on both of you."

"You forget dear brother, I have dirt on you too. Though, I won't say anything because I wouldn't want to embarrass you to tears."

"Ha! How could you do that? I don't think you have anything on me that could do that." Remus looked down at his nails, waiting teasingly.

Roman gave him a serious look for a moment before smiling evilly. "1764, Spain, that one sailor that-"

"Do not! We shall not speak of him!" Remus interrupted, making Roman laugh.

"Don't worry, he's still in Hell."

"And he can stay there to rot." The green demon sat back and crossed his arms with a huff. "But he did fuck good, I'll admit it."

"Do I want to know?" Janus asked cautiously.

"Nah, it's fine. He was just the first, and only human that was able to hurt me."

"Right..." Remus couldn't help but smile at the bloodlust coming from Janus. Though, it was only for a few seconds before the witch turned to Roman again. "Anyway, do you think you two could stay after school today? We have a rehearsal and I would like to get some tips from Roman."

"I'm still hurt you won't take my advice. I could be a very good actor," Remus pouted.

"You have your own lines to focus on, Sweeny."

"You got Sweeny! God, that sucks for you," Virgil said.

Remus pouted. "I don't wanna be a sexist homophobe. But at least I'll get to be killed by Janny, my sweet JD."

"I see plays are still as vulgar as I remember," Roman commented.

"Just wait until you see Dead Girl Walking," Virgil teased. "You're gonna love it."

"Oh shit! I forgot about that!" Remus whined. "Janus you gotta let someone else play JD!"

"The curtains close after the song finishes and Veronica is on top of me," Janus reminded him. "We don't actually do anything. Though... I am not excited for that part."

Virgil laughed, "Guess I know what I'm doing opening night."

Janus sent him a glare, which only made him laugh harder.

"Guess I won't make you that knife then. And after I had asked Remus to find a cool one for me to spell. Oh well, Remus, when we get home you can go ahead and return it-"

"I was joking! And you got me a knife...? How cool is it?"

"The blade is black," Remus said. "But if you don't want it..."

"I want it! I'm sorry, I won't tease you about it anymore."

Janus laughed this time, "I'm holding you to that then."

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