Chapter 12: Roman Helps Virgil Learn How to Kill Him

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CW: talk about killing and religious things, bullying, burning, small burn injuries, panic attack

Several books were placed on the library table as Virgil sat down, picking up the first one. Roman looked over his shoulder curiously, noticing that they were all religious and mythology books.

"What are you doing?" Roman asked.

"Reading," Virgil mumbled. Though he had left early to get to school before class, there were still plenty of people in the library, and he didn't want to be caught talking to himself.

"Oh! You're trying to figure out my weakness to kill me, aren't you?"

Virgil hummed a yes in response, scanning over the contents in the book. He picked up a book on Greek mythology first. He wasn't sure which religion was the most accurate, so he was stuck researching all of them. But hey, he had until he died, so that was plenty of time. Hopefully.

Roman hummed, looking at all the books on the table. He looked over to Virgil as he flipped to the chapter of the myths of the underworld.

"Oh Hades is a cool guy. Lucifer sometimes hangs out with him from what I heard. Though, Hel doesn't really like them, she's a bit cold," Roman commented.

"Are all the pantheons real?" Virgil asked.

Roman shrugged. "Yeah, though there are several more gods that humanity doesn't know. Some are lost gods, some just never gained any followings. But they all reside above cause they got bored of humanity. Except for certain gods, Loki actually has a few followings from what I hear. Even while being tortured by a snake, he's still taking care of his followers. Then there's the Christian god, they're a human god so they deal with humans the most, that's their thing. Like how, ugh, Zeus is the ruler of his pantheon and the god of thunder and lightning."

"What pantheon are you from?"

Roman hummed in thought for a moment. "I suppose... Hmm, I'm not in a pantheon I suppose. I'm under Lucifer so I think I'm under the Christian rules. Or Catholic, or Baptist. Salt hurts me, but I'm powerful enough that it's something I can shrug off."

Virgil closed the Greek myth books and grabbed one of the bibles he had gotten. "That's a lot of Bibles for me to read."

Roman looked at the bible Virgil had grabbed, it was the book of Mormons. "I don't know if any of the passages in any of the bibles will help. Can't you just... google it?"

"Google can be unreliable sometimes."

"So can books. I mean, just look at how I was summoned and bound to you. That old book they had used gave them horrible advice. They thought if they drank demon blood, and forced you to drink it, that it would connect them or something. Obviously it didn't work, seeing as I'm bound to you and not them. Though, I understand it, blood of deities can be extremely powerful."

"How do I know you're not lying? Demons can lie, can't you?"

"Yes, however not to our m- er... Our charge? I can't lie to you, but I can lie to others. I can hide things from you, not tell you the full truth, a bit like fae but only to you. I can also lie to others in front of you and not correct myself to you."

Virgil hummed in disbelief. "What if I command you to tell me something?"

"Then I am forced to tell you."

"Can you go against my command?" Virgil closed the book and pulled out his phone, placing it to his ear to make it look like he was in a call as he pushed the books away.

Roman looked uncomfortable at the question, curling in on himself slightly. "I can but... it hurts and weakens me. Not to the point of death but..."

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