Chapter 66: What in the Kentucky Fried Fuck is This?

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CW: car crash, knives and guns, blood, kidnapping, threats

"Kayden is going to be so happy to see us," Janus told Virgil.

"Yeah, but it looks like we need to go in two separate cars," Remy sighed. He turned to Emile and said, "We really need to get a family car."

"Ugh, that's so much work. Gotta get a loan, a license plate, put it on our insurance," Emile groaned.

"It'll be worth it though. That way if we all get together again, we only need to use one car."

"I think we'll be fine with two for now," Logan said, opening the passenger door and climbing in.

Patton opened the door for Virgil. "Let's get going!" he ushered. "Virgil, do you want to ride with us or Janus?"

"I'll go with you guys I guess," Virgil answered. He mostly wanted to stay with them since he was still excited that they're now his legal family. Also so Roman would have space to sit next to him.

"I'm gonna go with my dads," Janus said before getting into the black car that Remy climbed into. The doctor turned on the engine as Emile climbed in.

"See you at the orphanage," the therapist told them with a wave before closing the door.

Virgil climbed into the car and buckled up, Roman appearing next to him. The demon excitedly tapped his knees.

"Gods, I missed those little kids."

Virgil couldn't respond, instead he just smiled and rolled his eyes. Though, Roman already knew what that meant.

"I know I saw them last week, but I'm excited nonetheless! Plus, I know how much you love them."

"Okay, we're ready to go," Logan said, having checked to make sure everyone was buckled up.

"Hold up," Patton told him. He waited for Remy and Emile to back out of the driveway first before following.

Virgil readjusted the strap on the sling since it was starting to dig into his skin. His shoulder has been healing nicely, though they'll need to schedule an appointment to make sure that it was true.

"This neighborhood is big," Logan said, looking out the window.

"I think it's nice, though I prefer our neighborhood," Patton replied.

"I can't wait for us to go home, I miss our room. I'm sure Buttercup misses the house too."

"Well, we have to wait a bit longer. The police still haven't found anything yet."

Virgil felt guilt curl up in his stomach. "Yeah, um... I'm sorry about that," he mumbled.

"There's no need for you to apologize, kiddo," Patton told him.

He squeezed the edge of his hoodie. Should he tell them the truth? It felt fair... and now he was legally their son. He took a breath to say something and looked up out the window, but froze before he said anything. He frowned as he saw them pass imps while they left the neighborhood and started driving on a windy road between areas full of trees. Have those demons always been there?

"Patton and I have been looking into getting cameras set up around the house," Logan said. "So should something happen again, it will at the very least be caught by the camera. And it's a motion sensor camera too, there's an app for our phone so if it detects any motion we'll get a notification."

"That's... that's actually comforting to know," Virgil replied, trying to not sound distracted.

He felt his phone vibrate as he got a notification. Looking down he saw it was a text from Janus, and he quickly unlocked the phone. Two messages, one saying, "Remy and Emile are getting a bad feeling." The other said, "They say we need to turn around and go home."

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