Chapter 45: Virgil is Way Too Gay

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Virgil laid his head in his arms against the table, his arms peaking out as he watched Roman. They were waiting in the library, and there was a puzzle that was set out on the table before they got in. It wasn't a rare thing to see, there were more than just books in the library. Unfinished puzzles laid out, chess tables, computers.

Roman was trying to do the puzzle as they waited quietly for Remus and Janus. He wasn't using his magic, wanting it to be a challenge. Virgil couldn't help but stare as the demon looked for pieces. Frowning whenever he couldn't find the correct place for one, and smiling softly when he put two together.

Occasionally he'll find several pieces that go together and he would get giddy, giggling as he tapped the table in excitement. Only to frown in disappointment when he couldn't find any more pieces.

Virgil would sometimes look down at the pieces, occasionally trying to put some together. Sometimes he would find the right pieces, other times he wouldn't. But for the most part he stuck with watching Roman. The demon could be cute sometimes.

Not for the first time, Virgil was thankful that out of all the demons he could get stuck with, he got Roman. He was soft and gentle, and he seemed to genuinely care about Virgil. Maybe in the future, long after the human's death, he might forget about him and no longer care. But as of now, he truly seemed to care.

Virgil frowned slightly. Being immortal and being surrounded by mortals sounded sad. It had to be a very lonely existence. Sure Roman had Remus, but how often were they together like this? The last time they had seen each other was when Roman was last on Earth, over a century ago.

Well, Virgil didn't plan on dying anytime soon. Not when he had things to look forward to, a bright future. Sure, he was terrified that the others would leave him. Janus and Remus... Patton and Logan... they could still leave him. He wouldn't stop them, that would be selfish. But... maybe they'll actually stay with him?

Roman will, at least until he dies. He doesn't have a choice though. He has to serve and protect Virgil. Was it a fair relationship? Not really. But Virgil was still training with the demon, and he was getting stronger so Roman didn't have to work along. Yeah he has yet to get a single scratch on Roman, but his encouragement made it easier. He was even starting to dodge and block some of Roman's attacks!

Roman's pur made Virgil look back at him. He was halfway done with the puzzle, and was sorting the other puzzle pieces now. A smile was curled on his lips as he looked about the pieces, searching for certain ones.

"It's looking good," Virgil told him. "You got a lot done."

"I know!" Roman shouted excitedly. "I'm going to try to finish it before class."

"Well, you won't have a lot of time for that, so good luck." Virgil started looking through the pieces himself, sitting up more. He picked one up and handed it to Roman, who instantly saw where it went, his smile growing wider.

"Thank you, dear," Roman purred again, and Virgil's heart almost stopped.

He felt a blush rise up as the word rang in his head. How softly Roman said it, and that it was directed towards him. He hated to admit it, but it made his heart flutter. Roman made his heart flutter.

Virgil curled his fingers up as his heart calmed down. This better not be what he thinks it is... he couldn't fall in love. That wouldn't be fair to Roman. Even if he can somehow get the demon to fall in love with him... It wouldn't be fair.

Virgil will die eventually, or they could get in a fight and break up but Roman would be forever forced to stay by Virgil's side. Either way, Roman will get hurt. And that was if he could fall in love with Virgil.

Yeah... that was never going to happen.

"Where the hell are Janus and Remus?" Roman asked, startling Virgil out of his thoughts. The demon had a worried look in his eye and the hairs of his arm stood up, making him rub his arm.

"No idea, it's not like them to be late. Usually they beat us," Virgil said.

Roman frowned and tried to turn back to the puzzle. It was starting to turn into a waterfall in the forest, trailing off into a creek. Virgil noticed his uneasiness and pulled out his phone to message Janus.

But he didn't need to since the witch and demon walked into the library, both looking angry. Virgil sat up straighter and frowned with worry as Janus sat next to him, falling into the seat and crossing his arms.

"What happened? Where were you two?" Virgil asked.

"Those fucking angels are what happened," Remus growled, glaring at the window.

"What did they do?" Roman asked, keeping his voice low.

"Nothing yet," Janus said. "But there's more of them now."

"Is that what I felt? I should have realized."

"Some of them tried taunting us, and the only reason I didn't tear those pretty wings from their backs was because Janus told me not to," Remus explained. "I swear, someone needs to put those birds in their place. They always think they're so much better than us!"

Virgil rolled his eyes. "So glad we didn't see any today. I mean, at least they haven't done anything yet."

"As far as we know," Janus told him. "For all we know, they could be plotting something."

"Please don't make me more paranoid."

"There is no need for that," Roman agreed. "Remus and I can handle them perfectly fine."

"I mean, we haven't done anything to make them feel threatened, right?" Virgil tried to calm himself down. "As long as we don't do anything bad, they'll leave us alone. And it's not like I'm planning to do anything bad so..."

Roman rubbed his arms. He didn't want to say it out loud, so he wouldn't scare Virgil. But he knew that the angels would do anything to get rid of a prince and duke of Hell. Any excuse they could get. The less demon prince's or dukes, the better for Heaven.

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