Chapter 28: The Universe Hates Roman and Virgil

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CW: blood, poison, gore, lots of pain, death

Roman couldn't help but rub his arm nervously. He and Virgil were out shopping, Virgil had some spare money to spend. Though... he had asked Roman to stay near him, visible to humans. He didn't want to feel like he was by himself, and so this was his solution. But things were still awkward between them.

Virgil had a bag on his arm as they walked down the sidewalk silently. He had a necklace for Delores, a sparkly pink frog plushie for Patton, and a fancy black pen set that had different space patterns on it. One had a purple sky with stars covering it, another had a spaceship pattern, and the last one had a black and blue gradient with more stars appearing the darker it got.

They finally reached the bus stop, which was empty since it was midday. Virgil picked at the plastic on the bag, throwing any torn pieces back in to keep from littering. He frowned as the two of them stayed silent, it was killing him.

He softly sighed, "Wh-who cursed you?"

Roman jumped at the sound of Virgil's voice, taking a moment for him to realize what he said. "Another demon... His name was Morgan."

"And you can't break the curse?"

"If we could, then no one knows how. At least, if they did, they don't want to tell me. It's common for demons to fight among each other."

Virgil tightened his fist on the bag. He hadn't felt safe since Roman had told him about his curse, and he was hurt that Roman kept it from him. But... it was comforting to know that Roman didn't just let his past charges die.

He opened his mouth to say something else when Roman quietly gasped. He quickly looked over at him, seeing Roman's eyes were wide with fear and staring across the street.

Virgil looked over and saw two men talking with each other. One of them had short sleeves, and a red hawk head on his arm in clear view for all to see. He was pretty big too, as if he lived in a gym.

"Shit," Virgil whispered the curse, stepping back till his leg hit the bus stop bench.

"They don't seem to have noticed me yet," Roman mumbled loud enough for Virgil to hear. "Let's stay calm, act natural, and we can slip past them. As long as no demon arrives-" As if on cue, Roman felt a presence appear.

An imp had teleported next to the one without a tattoo, climbing up their leg. They whispered something in the guy's ear, and after a beat or two the guys looked over.

"L-let's just walk home," Virgil said, looking away. He grabbed Roman's arm and started to walk away, his legs feeling like jelly.

"Hey! You two!" one of them shouted, though neither saw which since they were trying to ignore them.

"Fuck it, run!" Virgil let go of Roman's arm and booked it. The demon stayed behind him to keep them apart.

The one that was wearing long sleeves pulled out several pieces of paper and a knife, cutting his finger and smearing the blood on the paper. Four imps appeared, and started running alongside.

"Get them!" the man commanded.

Roman cursed under his breath and ran faster, grabbing Virgil's arm to pull him along quicker. The human whimpered in fear, making Roman's heart hurt. He tried teleporting, and almost whimpered himself when his magic failed him. That meant they were in for a fight...

An imp teleported in front of them and jumped at them. Roman swiped it out of the way, cursing as their claws cut into his skin. It burned from the venom, and without his magic he couldn't cure the poison.

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