Chapter 1 || Jayce Parker

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The night has finally hugged the sky, covering my window in darkness. I crawl up the wall to get a better look. Maybe I can finally see some stars tonight, the past few nights have been nothing but cloudy.

Pressing a hand against the cool glass, I lean forward and see the twinkling lights smiling down at me, a beautiful full moon winking along with them. A smile crawls its way up to my face, a breath of peace finally releasing itself from my chapped lips.

When a booming knock hits my cell door, I close my eyes and huff, annoyed that they would even have the nerve to disturb my stargazing time.

"Spider! Chow time." One of the guards slips a tray of food under my door, causing me to sigh and smile at him as he slides the viewing window open.

"Thanks Cornelius."

"You know that's not my name."

"It suits you better than agent 451, don't you think?" I smirk as I drop from the wall and walk over to pick up the tray, saluting to him before he shuts the view window and walks away.

HYDRA grub, always tastes like what my high school used to serve us during lunch period. I'm about 98.73% positive they actually have my old school's cafeteria food catered over here just for me.

Man, that seems like so long ago. High school. So was college. MIT years were the best of my entire life. My whole life was. Until that night. The Stark expo. Peter was only 10 at the time when those assholes Vanko and Hammer sent out those Iron Man wannabe drones to the public.

We lost our parents that day...and that was when they got me. 5 years I've been here.

HYDRA used the Iron Man vs Vanko fiasco to take me away from my little brother. Guess they somehow knew of my powers, no damn clue how, but they knew and got me.

I've kept up though. I learned pretty early on that it was better to gain their trust so I could figure something out. I've watched as they took in tons of people to experiment on. They've been trying to recreate what made me me, but thus far nothing has worked, all the subjects have died.

Eventually they got bored and moved onto greater projects.

Still, I've been paying enough attention. They got destroyed by the Avengers countless times already. Yet they've managed to keep my existence a secret, as well as what is left of their own. There is no hiding from the Avengers, however. They're coming, I know it.

HYDRA got their hands on Loki's scepter and the Avengers are coming for it, no doubt about it. That's why they need me, they want me to fight the Avengers off. And I will, thanks to Tony Stark and his stupid expo going to shit, my parents are dead and I was taken away from Peter.

That man has it coming. Plus, once they come, I'm taking the twins with me. No way in hell I'm letting Wanda stay locked in a cell much longer, same with Pietro. They've been through enough, and share the same hatred for Tony Stark that I do.


Snapping my neck to the wall, I smile at the sound of her soft voice. It fills me with a warmth I can't really explain. Wanda Maximoff, one of the twins. HYDRA conducted experiments on Sokovian volunteers, all of them died except for her and her brother, Pietro.

He got some crazy super speed and her? Wanda has a power that I think is beyond beautiful. When they let us train, watching her use her powers, the beautiful red silky magic that shoots out of her fingertips is like watching art being created.

I've never seen something so beautiful.

"Yeah?" I responded to her, my head tilted up so I could hear better through the stone walls.

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