Chapter 5 || Comfort

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Hiya friends :) Attendance time!

Wanda sits on her bed, then looks over at me and stands up, running over with her arms wide open and practically jumping on me.

I catch her and hold her tightly, breathing in her vanilla scent, smiling in satisfaction that she is actually here, alive, in my arms.

"I was so worried about you," I whisper and she sniffles, then releases a broken sob.

"He's gone."

"I know, darling, I know."

"I don't know what to do," she whimpers in my arms and I carry her to her bed. I place her down and lay down beside her, watching as she plays with an orb of red magic. I form a ball of webs in my hand and toss it up, catching it repeatedly.

"We take it one day at a time," I mumble and she nods, catching my web ball in her magic and pulling it to her chest

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"We take it one day at a time," I mumble and she nods, catching my web ball in her magic and pulling it to her chest.

"How's your arm? Natasha told me she broke it. I'm impressed she even got a hit on you."

"She's a skilled fighter. It'll be fine. The cast is pretty fun," I smirk down at the hard black cast and adjust the sling.

"Is it dislocated too?"

"Yeah but it feels better so I might just..." I rip the sling off and sigh in relief, "Much better."

Wanda giggles and cuddles up into my side, "I missed you. I wish you could've been out there with us."

"Me too. If I was, I could've..." I close my eyes and just imagine Pietro getting shot and killed. If I was there I could've stopped it, I could've saved him and pulled everyone out of the way.

"Don't do that," Wanda mumbles and brushes my short hair away from my eyes, smiling down at me softly.

Her green eyes are soft and gentle, something swimming beneath their surface look. I sit still for a moment, unsure of what's happening until I see her eyes go to my lips. My hands start to grow sweaty, causing my cast to get a bit itchy.

I push it aside and just focus on Wanda, breathing out a shaky breath as she leans down towards me.

Before another thought can cross my mind, her lips press into my own. It's soft and warm. It's not bad, but I don't know. Wanda is my rock, I've always wanted to protect her, she's my person.

We should have feelings for each other right?

She pulls away and breathes out, smiling down nervously at me, "Was that okay?"

Gulping, I nod, "Y-yeah, yeah I think so."

Wanda smacks her lips and cups my cheek in her hand, "I want you, Jayce. I need you."

She needs me. She just lost her brother, and is now terrified of losing me too. We're alone together, it's just us now.

I brush her hair behind her ear with my fingers and lean back into her, kissing her again.

The Widow's Bite (Natasha X G!P OC)Where stories live. Discover now