Chapter 3 || Getting to Work

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Ayooooooooo roll call

The man chuckles and sits in the same chair Natasha did earlier and looks at me observantly, "I don't have much time, I have some old friends to go and see, but I was watching the security tapes from your talk with Romanoff. I've seen you looking through the files. I read your file. You're smart, degree from MIT. Impressive."

"I don't know whether I should thank you or just give you my autograph. Didn't know I still had fans."

He pulls out his wallet and shows me an ID badge. Nick Fury, Director of SHIELD. Or what used to be SHIELD.

"That was before your little captors decided to take over my entire operation."

Sighing, "If you're going to arrest me just do it already."

"Actually, I'm here to do quite the opposite, I think you could be useful, Spider."

I look around, trying to see if he's messing with me, but he just laughs and taps on the glass, "over here. I'm not messing with you. You have a keen eye, don't think I couldn't see those gears turning in your head while you read up on the issue at hand. The Avengers are strong, but they can use another eye in the game."

He's trying to recruit me? Seriously? This has to be a joke. What's even in it for me? Am I supposed to just be the guy in the chair?

"What's in it for me?" I cross my arms over my chest and glance at the door, waiting for him to offer my freedom.

I spent the past 5 years in a cell, the idea of being in another one is making me sick, I don't care how fancy it is. Natasha Romanoff may be drop dead gorgeous, and has shown me some kindness and actually listened to me, but that doesn't mean I want to be her prisoner.

"You help us and you get out of that cell and become one of us."

Now I laugh. Like throwing my head back laughing, he sounds ridiculous.

"You want me to be an Avenger?"

"Sure, I don't see why not. Someone with your gifts? Could make a great asset. Defeated Dr. Connors, Green Goblin, Electro. All on your own. You used to fight for the greater good until HYDRA got their hands on you. There's good in you, you never even liked being with HYDRA to begin with."

My eyes follow him as he comes to open the door, standing in the open doorway with a jackass-like smug look on his face. This guy's annoying, freaking know-it-all. He knows a lot about me and it ticks me off. His talent at his own damn job is annoying me.

That seems kind of unfair of me, though. The Avengers could've killed me. But Natasha spared my life. I assume she had to talk some of them out of killing me, I didn't exactly leave her without a scratch.

"Come on, got some toys for you MIT."

I stare at Nick Fury for a moment, hesitating but giving in eventually, standing up and following him out.

"How do you know I won't just get out of here once you look away? I could swing myself right through that window."

He chuckles, "oh I know you could. But you won't. Because the second you do, the Avengers will be able to find you, me as well. Think it will be hard to find a young woman swinging from buildings by spider webs?"

Pouting, I keep my mouth shut and follow him into what looks like some sort of lab. Everything in here is gorgeous. Nano-tech fills the room, monitors, chemical and mechanical engineering equipment. It all looks like a playground.

"Unfortunately, most of the online files have been locked out, well this tower is locked out of the data system completely. So, because I am a genius, I had a drive download all of Tony's files months ago. I was able to download more on Ultron, as well as have these printed out."

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