Chapter 25 || Lagos

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Bow chic-ka bow bow. Hiya :)

Jayce POV

I'm sitting in a little coffee shop across from Natasha, annoying her while I build a pyramid with the little milks. 

"Alright, what do you see?" Steve comes in over comms and Wanda responds to him.

"Standard beat cops. Small station. Quiet street."

I glance outside to see the two officers talking and leaning against their car, "It's a good target," I say lowly and hear a clattering in front of me.

Turning my head I see that Natasha tossed a Splendid sugar packet at my tower, making the milks collapse. Dropping my jaw at her whilst she tries to suppress her laughter with her coffee, I just pout and start channeling my construction skills again.

"There's an ATM on the south corner, which means?"

"Cameras," Both Wanda and I say at the same time. I glance over at my friend and see her trying to act unsuspicious which just makes me laugh because in all fairness, she looks suspicious.

"Both cross streets are one-way."

"So, compromised escape routes."

I snicker when I see a kid fall off a bike which earns me a sharp kick to the shin from Natasha. I whimper, rubbing the now stinging area with a hushed, "ouch" before I sigh, looking at the newspaper on the table.

"That just means our guy doesn't care about being seen. He isn't afraid to make a mess on the way out," I smirk at the redhead in sunglasses in front of me who just nods with a proud smirk back.

Training has been paying off, plus all those missions with Natasha surely helped me be able to channel my observational and calculation skills. She is quite the teacher. In more ways than one.

"Exactly. You see that Range Rover halfway up the block?" Steve says and Wanda glances out the window.

"Yeah, the red one? It's cute."

Natasha grabs my hand when she sees me going to pour a shit load of sugar into her coffee and grips my hand tightly before speaking.

"It's also bulletproof which means private security, which means more guns, which means more headaches for somebody, probably us."

Quirking an eyebrow up at her little rant, she pulls her glasses down to shoot me a warning glare but I just smile a toothy grin and pour the sugar into her cup, making her sigh heavily and lean forward, "I hate you

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Quirking an eyebrow up at her little rant, she pulls her glasses down to shoot me a warning glare but I just smile a toothy grin and pour the sugar into her cup, making her sigh heavily and lean forward, "I hate you."

"See what I mean? No fun," I tease back and she just scoffs and shakes her head, flicking my almost completed new tower down again.

"I thought that was pretty fun," She muses and I groan until Wanda speaks again.

"You guys know I can move things with my mind, right?"

"Looking over your shoulder needs to become second nature," Natasha practically mumbles into comms and I nod in agreement.

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