Chapter 62 || Helen Cho

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HEYO! You know what to do :)

Jayce POV

"ARE YOU FUCKING INSANE?!" Natasha's voice rattles the inside of my head when Steve helps me walk off the elevator.

I glance up at him but am met with raised, surrendering arms while I am left to fend for myself as my whole body stumbles. My brain already knows I've broken something. Probably a shit ton of things. Slender arms catch me by my shoulders which forces a pained whimper out as I stand up taller, meeting Natasha's wild eyes.

"You could've gotten yourself killed, Jayce. What were you thinking?" She nearly cries it out, voice straining as she snatches my ripped and bloodied suit from Steve and guides me to medbay. Steve grabs my left side while my legs burn from the pain of standing.

"I was thinking...better me than a whole building filled" A burning hot sensation fills me, stemming from the slash I am all too aware of on my stomach. I lurch forward but Steve and Nat grip me tighter, trying to keep me upright.

When we take one more step, I feel the burning rise up until I vomit, my body lurching once again while Natasha jumps and stares down at the vomit with wide, fearful eyes.

"Is that blood?" Steve mutters. I go to look but Natasha yanks me forward, placing her hand on my lower back to keep me steady. We rush into medbay where Helen Cho is waiting.

"N-no, she's here for the baby, not for me–" "Get your ass on the bed, Parker," Nat demands and helps me onto it.

My bones ache as Helen touches each area of me, her face contorting into an emotionless expression. I've learned that she does that when she is trying to keep one of us calm. Doctors in general tend to do that when something is wrong so as not to scare the patient.

So that means something's wrong.

"Natasha said you got cut?" Helen asks and with a weak nod of my head, I point to the bottom of the t-shirt Steve helped me get on when we got back to the jet so he can try and disinfect the wounds without having to work around my suit.

Natasha lifts up the hem of the shirt and stares down at it. "It's bigger than I thought," She whispers and Helen takes a look, does some scans, takes my blood, all while Steve paces around the room.

"Rogers, please. I'm getting dizzy just looking at you," I try to crack a joke but Natasha isn't humored and Steve shows a faint smile before frowning again.

Natasha POV

I sit by Jayce's side while Helen continues checking her out and assessing her. Something's wrong, I can feel it. Jayce is paler than ever, is sweating all over her face, the slash on her stomach looks absolutely gross, and she puked up blood on the way over to the room.

Helen hooks Jayce up to an IV and wraps her ankle after telling us there's a sprain, along with broken ribs. She smiles gently and gives Jayce's hand a squeeze.

"Let me just go check on the blood samples and I'll be right back. Jayce, don't move."

"Thanks, Doc," Jayce nearly gasps out. Steve steps closer and I lean forward in my chair, but spring to action when I see the look on Jayce's face.

She's gonna puke again.

Quickly, I lean down, grabbing a garbage can off the ground and put it below her, standing so that I can guide her towards it.

This time it's a mixture of vomit and blood.

My nerves only spike more as I watch her body puke, feeling her whole frame trembling as she sits back in the bed.

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