Chapter 70 || Firsts

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BOOM hit ya with a Widow's Bite update as well as Flashing Lights ;)

Hope you enjoy :) definitely a fluffy chapter for you all

5 Months Later

Jayce POV

"I am...marble...Never fail..."

When Natasha's body turns for the 5th time, I finally allow my eyes to open and I turn over to look at her, studying her hard-set features while she trembles in her sleep.

I place a hand to her shoulder and lightly shake her, "Nat, wake up, you're having another night terror."

She doesn't respond, she only whimpers and mutters incoherent words until I can make out, "Please don't...I won't fail again. Please Madame" Her body tosses again and her breathing starts to get louder, more desperate.

Her eyebrows are curled inwards towards one another, skin wrinkling in distress, body shaking with fear but I try again,

"Natasha. Wake up."

She cries out now, so loud it makes me jump in my spot, my worry only increasing. She's been having these nightmares the past few months. She'd wake up in the middle of the night screaming, skin coated in sweat, sometimes when I woke her she'd attack me thinking I was someone trying to hurt her, or I'd wake up in the middle of the night to her gone, only to find out from FRIDAY that she's gone on yet another 3 am run.

I guess things are starting to get to her, I know her dreams are of either everyone we lost in Wakanda, Yelena, or the Red Room. The Red Room nightmares are the ones that worry me the most, those are the ones that really carve into her psyche and give her the worst nights.

Natasha curls up into a ball, her arms moving up above her head as if they're chained to the headboard and she weeps like that, then kicks her feet out frantically.


Before she can hurt herself, I grab onto her wrists and lunge myself onto her torso, straddling her as she flails her body in a terrifying fashion.

"STOP! GET OFF ME!" She shrieks but I just pant and fight back, "Natalia wake up!" I demand it, my throat straining from my volume.

Natasha unexpectedly uses full force and shoves me off her while she sits up sharply with a desperate wail. My body falls off the bed but I get up quickly, seeing that her eyes have opened and tears are flying freely down her cheeks while she struggles to breathe.

I get back onto the bed and cup her cheeks gently. She jumps at the contact but I just shake my head, "It's just me, Little Spider. You're okay, you're safe. It was just a dream."

She looks around the room, fearful of something but I force her face to align with only my gaze, willing her to meet my eyes. Once she does, her features relax and she swallows sharply, "Jay?"

I allow myself to smile so as to ease her, though internally my heart is pounding with concern.

"It's me darling. You're okay."

She blinks once, twice, and then frowns, signaling for me to pull my hands away and sit back, "You wanna talk about it?"

Her eyes flicker up to mine but she quickly pulls her gaze away and swallows again, shaking her head, "Just the same as the others."

"Maybe you should talk to a professional, Nat. I'm worried about you."

Without missing a beat she stands up and clears her throat, "I'm fine. Just nightmares. I used to have them all the time, they'll go away on their own. I uh...I'm gonna go for a run."

The Widow's Bite (Natasha X G!P OC)Where stories live. Discover now