Chapter 2 || Expo

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Attendance my loves :)

When I wake up, I see glass walls around me, and a vital monitor beeping near my bedside.

Groaning, I sit up but notice now that my arm is in a sling, outside the glass wall, I can see my black suit on a chair.

I take in my surroundings and feel the hair on the back of my neck stand as my senses alert me of someone coming into vision.

The redhead shows up, in black pants and a brown leather jacket, a tablet in her hands that she places on a table and crosses her arms as she stands in front of the glass.

"You're awake."

"I must be in hell if you are here. Going to Taser me again?" I rub the back of my head and adjust my arm in the sling, sighing as pain aches in my shoulder and arm.

"I didn't Taser you. It was my widow's bite. Electroshock wrist gadgets. They're fun, aren't they?"

I sit up on the bed and take in my surroundings, realizing that I'm in what I'm assuming is the Avenger's Tower.

"So I am in hell. Where's the rest of the circus freaks?"

"Bold coming from someone who's half spider. If I'm correct, you were The Spider back in the day."

"That would be correct! Quite a fascinating story, might I add. You are Jayce Parker, daughter to Richard and Mary Parker. From Queens, right?" Tony Stark appears around the corner and smiles at me, making me ball my fists up in hatred for the cocky man.

"Tony Stark, how unpleasant it is to meet your acquaintance."

He smirks at me and grabs the tablet Black Widow had on the table, lifting and turning to show me clips of myself from news channels back in the day.

"You were quite the crime-fighting spider, weren't you? What happened to that? HYDRA came one day and said, 'come to the dark side we have cookies' and boom? Just like that?"

I jump to my feet and shoot a web that just bounces off the glass. Grunting, I slam my fist into the glass wall, seething at him, "Watch your tongue, Stark."

"Ooh, Spidergirl has some bite to her."

Black Widow glances at an entertained Tony and sighs, "Back off, Tony. Leave us."

"I was just coming to accept her thank you for not letting her bleed out and die-" "I have nothing to thank you for." My voice comes out in a low rumble, I ignore all the aching still vibrating through my body.

Redhead pushes Tony back and whispers something to him. It takes him a moment but he gives into her and leaves.

When she turns back to me she sighs, "I'm sorry. He can be–" "An asshole? Yeah, I gathered that. My little brother and I used to look up to that pathetic excuse of a man."

Her eyes soften as she listens to my anger bubbling in my chest. I try to keep composure but seeing him in person...

"He's the reason my parents are dead."

Her eyes widen in surprise before she pulls a chair over in front of the glass, sitting and waiting patiently for me to continue. Swallowing a lump in my throat, I nod and chuckle, "his expo a few years back. My parents took us, my little brother Peter and I thought Tony Stark was amazing, that Iron Man was amazing. Then that psycho Hammer and Vanko became his enemies and made those damned drones..."

I look at her and notice a flash of recognition crossing her gaze, raising a flag in my head but I pin it for the moment so I can see her reaction to the rest.

The Widow's Bite (Natasha X G!P OC)Where stories live. Discover now