Chapter 30 || Civil War

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Hello my darlings

Jayce POV

I meet up with Wanda who just threw cars all over Tony and I smirk at her, "Nice going Wands."

"How's that for getting off my ass?" She smiles at Clint who just chuckles, joining us.

"I'd say you did a nice job."

We turn to run towards the Quinjet and Clint points it out, "There's our ride."

I spot Natasha being hit by the impact of an exploding truck that mostly hit Rhodey but I widen my eyes and run over to her, helping her up, ignoring Clint and Wanda shouting at me.

"Are you alright?" I mumble and she breathes out tiredly, nodding, "Yeah. Yeah I think so."

She glances behind me at Tony, "Is this part of the plan?"

"Well my plan was 'go easy on them.' You want to switch it up?"

Scoffing, I shake my head, "Sure, that's what you were doing, energizer bunny."

Natasha comes over to me and takes my hand in hers, smiling sweetly, "Might wanna get back to your team. The big part's coming up."

"Ah, so I get to kick your ass some more?"

"In your dreams, dorogoy," She blows me a kiss and Wanda grabs me, "You two and kiss later. We have a fight to win."

We all start running, gathering everyone so that we are in a formation until a beam from Vision's mind stone stops us all in our tracks.

"Captain Rogers! I know you believe what you are doing is right. But for the collective good, you must surrender now."

Everyone appears behind Tony as they come up, Peter swinging to land beside Rhodey. He turns his head to me and goes to wave but Natasha grabs his hand and holds it down, smirking at me from across the way.

 He turns his head to me and goes to wave but Natasha grabs his hand and holds it down, smirking at me from across the way

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Sighing, I squeeze Wanda's hand and look at Steve, "What do we do now, Cap?"

He lifts his head, "We fight."

We keep running and I look to Wanda who nods, "I'll take Peter. I won't hurt him."

"Thanks," I nod and see Natasha jumping up, throwing a fist down at me.

"Woah!" I dive out of the way and shoot a web at her, pulling her down and kicking her stomach.

She grunts and rolls off of me, then shoots her widow's bite at me, making my body convulse as shocks go through me.

I rip it off and stand up, trying to shoot webs but she dodges all of them, then kicks her leg up, blocking my arm. She grabs it and swings her body onto my head, her thighs squeezing me.

"I know we're supposed to be fighting, but having your thighs around my face is a huge turn on right now," I gasp out and she just smiles down at me, "Don't use sexual innuendos to distract me right now."

The Widow's Bite (Natasha X G!P OC)Where stories live. Discover now