Chapter 64 || Confession

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Heyooo!!!! You know what to do

Jayce POV

"Everything's looking great. Just a few weeks left," Helen says as she cleans the gel off Natasha's belly. I place my hand on her shoulder, give it a light squeeze to grab her attention, and she places her hand atop mine while she turns her head up to meet my gaze.

A smile spreads across her face and we thank Helen, then I help Natasha up and we head into the common room.

"Just over a month left, Tasha, and they'll be here," I chuckle as I grab a blanket and drape it over her lap on the couch, then head into the kitchen to grab us some water.

"I know. Should we be thinking of names?"

With a shrug of my shoulders, I sigh as I plop myself down beside her, "I was thinking you know...and it works both ways...Jayce. We can throw a 'junior' in there of course." Already knowing she's going to try and slap my shoulder I attempt to shift away with a laugh while she scoffs, "You're an ass. I'm serious."

Natasha glances at the television that is off but thinks to herself before speaking, "For a boy I was thinking...Benjamin? For your Uncle Ben."

Her words place a warm blanket around my heart, hugging me tightly as I hear the name and tears spring to my eyes. I glance down at her belly and smile, "Benjamin Nikolai Parker-Romanoff."

I can hear her breath hitch at the offered middle name and she sniffles when I look up again, her eyes glossing over lightly as she stares at me. There's something in her gaze, a deep appreciation, maybe even a bit of surprise of me remembering, but she wipes her eyes, "Nikolai?"

"Of course. If that's what you'd want. To have a piece of him always."

My fingers brush her grown out blonde, now half red hair out of her eyes and tuck the strands behind her ear while she just nods, "Thank you."

"Anything for you, Doll. And anything for my little spiders." I grin, leaning down to place a soft kiss to her stomach but whining when I feel her fingers pinching my arm.

My body snaps upwards as I rub the reddened area of my arm, "Why?"

Her eyes are narrowed to near slits, a defensive wall guarding her emotions through the greens of her irises before she shrugs, "Just 'cause."

"Natasha," I whisper, wanting to figure out why she felt the need to do that and why there's a distant feeling with her right now, like a switch was flipped all of a sudden.

She groans and rubs her stomach, "It's nothing."

"If it was nothing then why are you avoiding answering the question. What just happened, Natalia?" My voice comes out in a whisper, fingers cupping the bottom of her chin to lift her head slightly so our eyes are level with one another.

Her breath hitches once again, cheeks slightly flushing as I hold her face gently in my hand, looking between her eyes, searching for an answer. I'll admit, the look she's giving me, the reactions to my touch, it all makes my heart skip a few beats, but I lock it down deep.

She turned me down and I don't think I'll ever be able to get us to where we once were, not after leaving. So I have to respect her wishes and be her friend and co-parent.

Will I always love her? Of course. Natasha Romanoff will always have my heart, kind of like how Gwen will, but Nat's alive and here, I just screwed it up so badly that she doesn't want to be in a relationship anymore.

I destroyed that, I destroyed her, and now all I can do is live with the consequences and try to live my life as her friend, no matter how much it sucks, no matter how many women I meet who don't come even close to making me feel the way she does and always has.

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