Chapter 33 || Norway

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Bit of a shorter chapter but hi :)

Jayce POV

Natasha and I ushered onto the ferry quickly and we bought an extra disposable, untraceable phone just for one fun little call.

We're in the bathroom, washing up, when she pulls out her phone I made and it shows security footage of the Albany station. His team of dense and empty agents shuffle around the building, weapons drawn at the ready.

I pull out my phone to get another camera angle and she glances over at it, smirking when she sees them getting inside the station while Ross whines from the other camera about us breaking the law of the Accords, blah blah blah.

"He doesn't look too good," I chuckle, seeing how ill and thin Ross looks now.

Natasha hums in agreement but stays focused on the footage, pulling out the burner phone and dialing Ross' number.

I keep my eyes on the footage while he answers her, "Yeah?"

"Don't do this."

"Do what?"

"Come after us. I mean, you're embarrassing yourself, it looks desperate," She puts it on speaker and reaches for her hoodie, sighing as she looks over at me with a soft smile, that excitement dancing in her eyes, knowing she has the one up on Ross right now.

I stroke her arm delicately and smile down at her, placing a soft kiss to her lips. She closes her eyes briefly with a light smile and turns to the mirror to wipe any excess water from washing our faces off.

"Thought maybe you'd be calling me to cut a deal. 'Cause from my vantage point, it's the federal fugitives who are desperate."

I raise an eyebrow in annoyance but she holds a finger up to silence me and looks back at my phone to see him clearer and chuckles, "From my vantage point, you look like you could use some bed rest. What is this, your second triple bypass?"

"Don't worry about me. We got Barton, we got Wilson, we got Maximoff, the incredible shrinking convict. Rogers is on the run. You two got no friends. Where you gonna go?"

The mention of Wanda makes me ball my fists up, the worry of her well being instantly spiking. I want to help her but I don't even know where this so called "prison" is. I need to find it, to find her.

"I've lived a lot of lives before I met you, Ross. You shouldn't have gone to all this trouble. I'm done."

With that, Natasha hangs up and pulls her hair out of the ponytail, breathing deeply. I can see the worry for our friends in her eyes. That, along with Steve. We don't know where he ran off to but I could only guess that he has some sort of plan. He's probably helping Bucky and will be looking for us at some point.

"You alright?" I ask and she breathes out, bobbing her head up and down, holding the counter to steady herself.

"Always," She mumbles and looks at her reflection before pulling the hoodie over her head.

I smile sweetly at her and help get her hair out from under the fabric, draping the red waves over her shoulders. Her hair really has gotten longer. And I really do love it. She looks more mature than she used to, also.

Maybe that's because of the shit we've had to deal with these past few months, but something's different about her.

Natasha combs her fingers through my hair and hums with a smile, "Your hair's growing."


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