Chapter 18 || Safe Word

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Her lips leave dark marks down my torso, leaving a trail all the way to my boxers. I tilt my head back, my hand reaching to cup her breast, my thumb rubbing over her nipple to the point of it hardening. Once it is, I do the same to the other, a grin forming on my lips when she has to pull her lips off my stomach to focus on her breathing, releasing a light moan in the process.

The redhead shoots a deadly glare up at me, "I'm in control here."

"Are you, sweetheart? You've been taking control a little too much lately. I think I miss watching you give in to me."

Her eyes flash with a certain look, a hungry look. I can tell she is excited by the idea of being dominated, but her and I both know we enjoy the banter and the challenging.

However, I know how to get her to submit to me.

"Lay down," I whisper with a demanding tone lacing the airy words.

She tilts her head at me challengingly, "Or what?"

She tilts her head at me challengingly, "Or what?"

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She's fighting fire with fire. She loves getting me angry, disobeying. She knows that it makes me rougher and she likes it.

"You don't want to play that game, Romanoff," I warn but the agent only smirks more, dragging her delicate fingers down my stomach and over my bulge, rubbing it softly, causing me to stir in place with a frustrated huff.

"Oh I think I do," She mumbles back to me, practically purring. Her words send me over the edge, along with that starving look she is giving me.

Sighing, I push her off me gently and stand up, going over to my closet to pull out a box.

Natasha releases a mischievous snicker as she shifts backwards, pressing her back against the headboard, one finger in between her teeth teasingly as she slips out of her bottoms and underwear for me.

I glance up at her while I open the box, "safe word?"

She ponders for a moment before smirking, "web."

"Lovely," I pull out the velvet ropes and walk over to her, "Arms," I whisper and she takes a deep breath, looking me up and down before smirking and reaching her arms towards me.

I slowly tie the ropes around her wrists and tie the ends of each to the headboard, giving her just the tiniest bit of slack.

As I'm tying the second one, I sense her staring up at me, making me look down to see the hungry and excited look on her face.

"Take your boxers off," She whispers and I chuckle, "Doesn't work like that tonight, sweetheart."

She raises an eyebrow teasingly but I see the twitch of her legs as she squeezes her thighs together. I take her chin into my hand and lift it slightly to give me the perfect angle.

"You're really stubborn, you know that? But now that I'm in charge, you're going to pay the price for all the headaches you've given me."

There goes that look again. Her breathing hitches, eyes flickering from my own and to my lips, licking her own in the process. Sweat already begins to form on her forehead, making me smirk in pride.

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