Chapter 22 || Tree Bark

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Heyyooooo what's up fuckers??

Jayce POV

It takes a moment for me to gather my memories from last night. So much happened that it is definitely giving me a headache...either that or I'm hungover. Still, I don't want to move because of the redhead that's still asleep on my chest.

I can't see much of her face from here but hearing her even breathing, not feeling her twitch or mumble or cry in her sleep is enough for me to smile and start playing with her hair.

Reaching over to the nightstand, I grab her television remote and turn the TV on, heading to netflix to watch Grey's Anatomy but I see that she has it under "continue watching."

Frowning curiously, I look at it and see that it says season 3...she's been watching it? From the beginning? Did she do that because of me?

The thought of that idea being true makes my cheeks start to feel hot and I have to take a breath to relax my body temperature from rising. I click out of her profile and click on mine. Thank you Tony for making a compound account for us.

We all have our own profiles. I checked Steve's the other day and I swear his entire list he saved are all World War 2 documentaries or films based on it. Man loves himself a good war, that much is clear.

Although I did spot The Notebook on there. I'm not surprised.

I continue watching where I left off from yesterday and laugh when it recaps April and Jackson running out of April's wedding to get married to each other instead. They're a good couple, I enjoy them.

Natasha stirs and slowly lifts her head up, probably squinting at the TV and turning her head to me, "Seriously? What time is it?"

"You know what, I didn't even check." I grab my phone and see that it's 6 am, smiling sheepishly at Natasha who groans, "It's supposed to be my off day and you woke me up at 6 am."


"Don't be sorry, just make me coffee."

I chuckle at that comment and pause the show, making her frown, "You've gotten far in the past week."

Shrugging, I sit up, her following and I smirk over at her, "I saw you started from the beginning. Any reason?"

Her cheeks burn a deep pink as she looks down at her hands, "I um...I don't know what you mean."

"Awww it's okay, Little Spider. You can tell me you started watching it because of me, I won't snitch." I pinch her cheek which only earns me a slap to my hand and her getting to her feet before opening her closet.

"I don't know what you're talking about. But yes I started it from the beginning. Wanda joined me from time to time."

She pulls her t-shirt over her head and I stare in amazement, feeling my mouth water up at the sight of her bare torso. Nat senses my eyes and chuckles, "Nothing you haven't seen before."

I shake my head and try to bring myself back to Earth, "I know but...just has been a while."

"What, your precious HYDRA sex doll didn't have as pretty a body as I do?" She turns around with a faux-pout that soon turns into a devious smirk as she walks over to me, dropping her arms loosely over my shoulders.

Okay when she looks and talks like that, boobs practically dangling in front of my face...God this woman.

"I-I mean I would never call a woman ugly–" "She wants to kill us."

Nodding quickly, "You're right. She's ugly."

Natasha smiles and leans in to kiss me sweetly but quick, rubbing her thumb over my lips while she looks into my eyes in a way that makes me want to pull her back under the covers and cuddle until tomorrow morning.

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