Chapter 50 || Finding a Way

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Natasha POV

The entire ride back to our new secret compound, I can't shake the feeling of those little girls' faces. We returned them to where we knew the families were and allowed Yelena to be the face for the news since Steve and I want to stay hidden.

But the whole time we made sure to bring them back to safety, they were shaking. Terrified. It was a few men who worked for Dreykov, trying to carry on his "legacy" but we stopped them and now they're in custody. With the exception of a few Yelena and I may or may not have killed.

Now we're riding back, Steve is talking to Jayce and Wanda about the little mission they went on in the city while I think about those girls and how their lives were almost stripped like mine and Yelena's, how they were almost completely wiped of all of their innocence.

And here I am, still holding in this secret of what really happened during my graduation ceremony.


My son.


Dreykov tried to make the ultimate weapon through mine and Bucky's DNA.

"You're awfully quiet," Yelena says from beside me.

I swallow thickly and suck in a sharp yet long breath, "Just thinking."

"About the secret you refuse to tell anyone?"

Her eyes are on the sky but her attention is on me. Of course she knew I was hiding something. We were trained the same way on how to keep a secret. And she knows my tells at this point.

"Might as well get it out. I assume q-tip does not know either?"

My head shakes from side to side shamefully, a warmth brimming to the surface on my cheeks, fingers fiddling as I look down to my lap, cursing myself for keeping this inside.

I'm still not sure how to handle it myself. I was a mother. That whole procedure, impregnating me, the stillbirth...but to this day I haven't gotten my period. And with the way Jayce and I act...I haven't gotten pregnant.

"Earth to Natasha, what is this big secret making your eyebrows squish so close together?" I blink quickly when Yelena waves her hand in front of my face, then frown and push her arm away.

"Something I remembered. Back at the Red Room. Dreykov told me something and it...I don't know."

She glances at me now and I can feel the concern radiating off her body before she nods slowly and regains her stoic expression, "Go on."

My head turns slightly to see Steve hanging up with Jayce and walking over, his eyes resting on me with curiosity, "Romanoff, what is it?"

This is Yelena and Steve Rogers.

Two people I trust. Steve has always been honest with me. And Yelena is my sister. Maybe, just maybe. If I tell them they'll help me figure out what's wrong now and how to tell Jayce.

Only, the fear in the back of my mind paints my thoughts black with darkness. If I couldn't carry Nikolai healthily to term and I never got my period again afterwards...that means there has to be something wrong with my body.

That doesn't just happen to women.

What if Nikolai was my only shot? What if Jayce wants to have a kid and we try but it happens again?

"Natasha," Steve says and places his hand on my shoulder, those sweet blue eyes buttering me up like always.

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