Chapter 8 || Party

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Ayooo you know the drill :)

By the time we arrive back at the compound, I see men walking with boxes of liquor towards the bar, stocking up on Stark's collections.

With a raised eyebrow, I look towards the kitchen where cooks are whipping up food that smells absolutely amazing. So amazing that it makes my stomach grumble.

"Is he serious?" Natasha groans and Tony smiles as he enters the room, "Well well, the guest of honor has returned! Jayce Parker, heard your first mission as an Avenger was successful. Bravo. Party starts at 8, look nice, and be prepared for shots. I'll have them lined up for us."

He winks at me, making me chuckle in surprise of the man's enthusiasm. I have a feeling, however, that he was just searching for a reason to throw a party. I knew of Stark parties before I was taken, he always threw them. He loves the attention and loves the booze.

"I suppose I could have a few drinks," Wanda smiles brightly, making me raise a curious brow at her, "You've never drank in your life. You've been locked up for most of it."

She frowns at me and narrows her eyes, bumping my shoulder playfully, "I'm not locked up anymore. We deserve to let loose a little."

Natasha walks over to the bar and reaches behind it, pulling out a beer that she cracks open and starts drinking. With an amused grin, I watch as she turns around, sighing in content as she swallows a sip.

"Shower beer, that'll be my pregame. Bring your best," She smirks at me and waltzes down the hallway, leaving me with my jaw dropped.

Something about a bold woman slugging a beer has always been attractive. But the fact that it's Natasha doing it just makes it even better.

Steve gives in to Stark's pleads and disappears down the hall to his own room for a shower. I salute Tony before walking with Wanda towards our rooms. I join her in hers for a moment and think about the time I have before the party.

I want to go see Peter. But by the time I get there, the party will have started already and I know I'd get questioned if they all saw me randomly leaving. I need to navigate it well. Maybe tomorrow while everyone's busy I can say I'm going out and just go see him.

It'll be the weekend so he'll most likely be home. I can go see Ben and May too if he's living there.

"Your thoughts are loud."

My attention is grabbed by Wanda's words. My eyes snap up to meet hers as she grabs a towel from her closet, smiling at me with a tilt to her head. She joins me on her bed, sitting on the edge of it beside me.

"What are you thinking about?"

I look down at the mask I've been holding in my hands since we got back and sigh, "I want to see him. Tony helped me find my brother and I want to see him. I've been back for a month and I haven't gotten to see him yet. I need to tell him I'm alive."

She nods and places her hands over mine on the mask, stopping my fingers from fiddling with the fabric.

"You will see him. And he's going to be overjoyed to find out his big sister is alive and well. Just explain it to him."

"What if he hates me? What if...what if he finds out all the destruction I've caused these past few years? I have red in my ledger now. I've killed for HYDRA. They kidnapped me and forced me to kill. Like I had no choice. I hurt innocent people when they got in my way. Peter is so good, he's–" "Slow down. He won't hate you. You were taken from him by people that do nothing but harm the world. They made me do things I'm not proud of either. I helped Ultron, I hurt the Avengers. I scared people. HYDRA was controlling you, he will understand."

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