Chapter 44 || Not A 'What' But A 'Who'.

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Natasha POV

"Here is idea. We hit q-tip until we knock sense back into her."

I throw a glare over at the short blonde standing with Melina who's been working on a cure for Jayce the past 2 days.

We had to flee from where the Red Room came down. Ross thought he got me but I got away just as easily as I gave myself up. Gave Melina, Yelena, Alexei and the widows enough time to get out.

Now we're somewhere off-map in a secret abandoned HYDRA base called "Sickle". Melina found it years ago, it was where she did her own secret experiments. Well after killing the last HYDRA agents there and taking it over as her own, cloaking it so no one would know it was still even standing.

"Why do we even try to wake up web girl? She tried to have me killed."

I roll my eyes and sigh, "No she didn't, you were the reason our chopper crashed. And in all fairness? You deserved it."

He huffs and tries to slick his mess of hair back, glancing at the security camera footage of Jayce in the polycarbonate fish bowl cell.

Once we got her here, Melina untied her and shackled on wrist cuffs filled with some weird magic shit called the Sands of Nisanti. Said it will strip her of her abilities and strength long as they are kept on her wrists.

"Maybe when she wakes up she'll be normal again. When Loki invaded New York and got a hold on Barton, it took one blow for his mind to readjust to normal," I mutter, looking at my girlfriend passed out on the ground of the cell.

Melina shakes her head, "It is not magic that does this, Natasha. Dreykov used chemical subjugation to put Jayce Parker under his control...well I suppose HYDRA control–" "But I saw her true self shining through during that fight!" I sit up but groan in pain, reaching for my stomach wound just as my shoulder starts to sting.

Yelena comes over to me and lifts my shirt to check the wound, "I swear Natasha if you break another set of stitches I will give up. Stitching is tiring and tedious."

She cleans up around the stitches and checks my shoulder while I sigh, shaking my head, "I don't need stitches. I've gotten shot before and I've most certainly been stabbed before."

"And you are lucky it didn't do any nerve damage or organ damage

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"And you are lucky it didn't do any nerve damage or organ damage. Your girlfriend in there tried to kill you, you know."

I stare at Yelena and shake my head again, "It wasn't her fault. She had no choice. She was being controlled. Something I am sure you have some knowledge on."

Her eyes fall instantly as the memories resurface of all the red she's managed to stain her ledger with and I regret saying it with such conviction but she smiles smally and helps me sit up.

"Can you tell me why the other cure didn't work? I mean you copied it and sent the widows off to distribute it to other widows around the globe. How come it helps them but not Jayce?"

The Widow's Bite (Natasha X G!P OC)Where stories live. Discover now