Chapter 4 || Home Sweet Home

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Attendance Darlings!

It's been nearly a full 24 hours since I spoke to Natasha. On the news I see Sokovia going up into the sky, powered by thrusters and a giant jet at the bottom of it. Ultron's smarter than I thought.

On the broadcast, I see Iron Man in the sky, along with what seems to be a red synthezoid thing, ripping through Ultron's bots.

I close my eyes and sigh, "Something isn't right."

A sickening feeling fills my gut. I start to grow nervous once I see the city falling completely, being blasted to bits before it hits.

Worry shoots through me, a pang of fear fills my bones. Something is definitely wrong. I need to reach them.

Grabbing the laptop, I try to call Fury or Natasha but get no answer.

Groaning, I stand up and walk over to the lab, trying to occupy myself to distract my mind.

It works when I start working on a new weapon. I use the tools Stark has and tech around the room to create a newer version of Natasha's Widow Bite gauntlets. This time, along with the electroshock disks, I added in her string wire, the same one she used on me, only this is a part of the bracelets.

Easier access, retractable. Always on her, no fear of dropping it somewhere. The line is strong enough that she can glide on rooftops or other wires and structures.

When I hear a door open, I look over and see some of the Avengers walking in, looking beat up.

Lowering my head, I grab the new and improved gauntlets and go to my cell, closing the door before I have to hear anything from them.

After a few minutes, Natasha appears, glancing at me briefly before coming into the cell.

"You're alive," I break the silence, getting a small smile but it quickly fades, her eyes looking dull and pitiful.

"What happened?" I begin to stand but she raises a hand gently, "You may want to stay seated. Plus, you're still healing."

My eyes remain on the redheaded woman, trying to pinpoint the issue but come up blank. Fear rumbles through me, my stomach starting to turn uneasily.

Then it hits.

"Who died."

She closes her eyes and sighs, "Jayce–" "I know the face. I've been here before. Everyone thinks they are the first person in the world to ever look at a human being like that but..."

I trail off and begin to break into a stale chuckle as I lower my gaze, "It's always the same face."

When I look back up at her, I stand and narrow my eyes, "Who is dead–" "Pietro. It's Pietro."

My skin goes cold, my world feels as if it just came to a complete stop. My heart thumps in my chest, jaw clenching tightly as I fight back the forming tears.

I feel my legs grow wobbly and Natasha reaches to help me but I slap her hand away and force myself to stay standing.

"Where is Wanda?"

"You need to sit down–" "Where is she. I will not ask again."

She takes a step back at my sudden anger but sighs, trying to contain my emotions with a soothing voice, but I ignore it, I ignore her words as I start to walk out of my cell but she hits a button on a device and it shuts, locking before I can get out.

"Sit down."

Leaning my forehead against the glass door, I close my eyes and huff, trying to catch my breath.

The Widow's Bite (Natasha X G!P OC)Where stories live. Discover now