Chapter 59 || You Called.

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HELLO!!!!!! I AM BACK! You know the drill, suckers.

Finally, I know. It's been a while. But I hope this chapter is up to your liking ;)

I hope it kind of makes you cry but that's just me. Enjoy!

Natasha POV

"It's you and me, Romanoff."

She takes my hand and places my fingers on her wrist, allowing me to feel the little scarred opening where her webs come out. I stare down at it in awe and trace my fingers up, following along the vein until I reach her heart, placing my palm against it and slowly raising my gaze to meet her own.

"It's you and me, Parker."

The corners of her mouth curl upwards while a sparkles seems to gleam in her eyes before tilting her head just enough so that our foreheads meet.

"My Little Spider."

A sharp breath of air lurches into me as my eyelids fly open, gaze that was previously locked onto Jayce now meeting a bland ceiling. I stare for a moment, not wanting to accept that it was a dream before I feel a jolt in my stomach.

My body, without even thinking, heels forward in a quick and seamless motion. Hands fly to my stomach as my face burns red with fear.

Another jolt of pain.

With a broken voice, the little squeaks between my words emitting worry, I call for Steve. He runs into my room quickly, looking at me with concern, "What's wrong?"

I can feel my head swivel in unsure panic, "I-I don't know. It's like something is hitting my stomach but I...I don't know what's happening. I'm scared."

Normally I'd curse myself for letting anyone see this side of me, I would hold it in, figure it out on my own, but I've never experienced this before. I never thought I could. So I'm taking in all the support possible.

"Okay, I'll call Tony and Pepper."

The Super Soldier whips out his phone while walking over to me, placing a hand on my back to aid me while I move towards the edge of the bed, my palm pressed against the fabric over my grown stomach.

"Tony, something's wrong. Natasha is complaining about pain in her stomach...yeah...uh..." He glances down at me, clearly unsure of some question Tony asked and puts the phone on speaker, "Just ask her."

"Tony?" I mutter and two voices come back but I hear whispered arguments, probably Pepper scolding him.

"Just let me talk to her–" "I can do it–" "You are not some pregnant woman whisperer Tony–" "Yes I am. Anyone who listens to me ends up happier and better. It's working for you–" "Just give me the phone–" "Guys!" I grunt, cutting them both off and panting, "Can someone just help me please? Do I need to go to the hospital? I'm kind of freaking out here."

"Right, sorry. Does it feel like a stomach ache? Like you're going to throw up?"

I think about Pepper's words but mindlessly shake my head, "No. It's like little jolts of small pain. Nothing I can't handle but it's like this pressure that comes every few seconds."

Steve stares down at me, pondering my words while Pepper breathes out, sounding relief, "Okay. Is your hand on your stomach?"

I nod and start saying "yes" until another jolt hits, and this time I can feel it under my palm, like something's pushing at my skin.

"T-there it is again! I can feel it on my hand. It's like a bump against my stomach and I can feel it from the outside whenever it comes. Did I hurt my baby? Did I...Oh my God," I try to fight it but the tears threaten anyways.

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