Chapter 39 || Alexei

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Also, to make up for me being MIA, here is a long chapter :) 

Natasha POV

"I said we needed a jet," I frown in distaste when I see the crap chopper that Mason pulled out of a dump for us. Looks like something Steve would ride in back in the day for fuck's sake.

"Yeah, you know what you didn't give me? Time. Or money. I'm not made of jets."

"I thought you were supposed to be the best, like a real pro," Yelena frowns and Jayce snickers, "She's got a point."

"Oh, I'm sorry Tsarina. Was the free flat and lifetime supply of Kissel not to your liking?" He sasses her back and Yelena deadpans him and lets out a monotone, "Ha."

"Oh, don't let her wind you up," I dismiss, trying to tell him to stop while he's ahead. Yelena is a handful. But Yelena and Jayce? That's just double the headache.

"No, I take exception to impugning my professionalism," He says and Jayce snorts, coming over to me, placing her hand on my lower back, "Well you did set us up with a generator that crapped out after 6 hours. Standing ovation for you sir," She smirks and claps mockingly, forcing me to suppress a giggle.

"You too, huh? Tag team," He points at us, then to Yelena, who pouts, "Awwww, he's sensitive! See why you two keep him around."

Jayce climbs easily up to the top to check the stability of the propellers while I make my way over to Mason, "Where's the rest?"

He drops an army green duffel bag and unzips it, "Voilá."

My eyes fall to the white suit and Yelena digs inside, pulling out an old energy bar.

"Oh, I stashed that like five years ago."

She shrugs and bites into it, making me grimace and Jayce retches from atop the "jet." I laugh at my ridiculous and overly dramatic girlfriend, then look to Yelena with a curious tilt to my head, "How is it?"

She chews a bit more and nods, "It's dry. It's really dry."

Yelena climbs into the jet and I start taking the suit out of the bag, "You know, you're getting dangerously close to running out your tab

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Yelena climbs into the jet and I start taking the suit out of the bag, "You know, you're getting dangerously close to running out your tab. Supplies I can tally, but you bring me attention from the authorities, all my prices go up."

Jayce jumps down from atop the jet and lands behind Mason, causing the man to yelp and jump back, placing a hand over his chest protectively, "Christ, mate. Give a guy a bit of a warning next time, yeah?"

"My bad. Authorities, though? What's that supposed to mean?"

I stand up and watch as Mason clearly expresses some negative emotions, "Your mate, Secretary Ross, has been sniffing around my affairs to the point at which I've got contacts declining my calls. I'm a private contractor."

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