Chapter 17 || Rule Number 10

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Attendance dorks 

"So tell me something," I smile as we walk back to my room, me still slightly limping from the weakness my left side has.

Natasha has my arm around her shoulders, allowing me to put some of my weight on her. From the side I notice an amused glance from the Widow.

"Tell you what?"

Shrugging as we approach my room door, Wanda bursts out of hers, looking around frantically until she sees me, "What happened?"

Her eyebrows are pulled together anxiously as she looks at how Nat is helping me, spotting the stitched up cut below my sports bra.

I raise a hand, "I'm okay. Natasha helped me."

My eyes stare at her, hoping that she just leaves us be for now, practically begging her to walk away. But she's too freaked out by my injury to pay attention. She comes over and observes the stitches.

"Does it hurt?"

"Wanda," I hiss in a whisper, making Natasha vibrate with silent laughter. The brunette looks at me curiously but I smile passive aggressively.

"I love you, I really do. But I am fine, please leave."

She pauses and looks between Nat and I, raising her eyebrows in realization before nodding slowly, "Right, I got it. My bad. Sorry. Have a good night!" She waves anxiously before looking down the hall and grinning, "Vis, whatcha up to?"

Wanda disappears away from us, leaving me and Natasha laughing while making it into the room.

I sit on the bed and Nat grabs the television remote, "Let me guess, Grey's Anatomy?"

Smiling and slightly blushing at the idea that she remembers my favorite show, I nod and she clicks "continue watching" on the Netflix before closing the window blinds and smiling gently before excusing herself.

Frowning curiously, I start to feel saddened that she left. I was kind of hoping she would stay. I look down and see that I'm still in a sports bra so I sigh and shoot a web at my drawer, pulling it open. I notice a black t-shirt peeking out so I shoot at it and pull up so it flies out of the drawer and into my hands.

I slip it on and kick my foot out to close the drawer, wincing when I do so. I don't realize that Natasha has come back in with plates of peanut butter sandwiches and lemonade.

My cheeks burn red when she says, "You know if you waited 5 seconds I would've gotten you a shirt."

She places the lemonade on my nightstand and hands me the plate, "You need some food in your stomach after losing that blood so..." When Natasha trails off I see her cheeks flush a bit, almost like she's being shy.

I gratefully take it and thank her, taking a bite into it and smiling giddily as she walks to the other side of the bed, sitting with her food and lemonade.

Her eyes look up at the television and she frowns at it, trying to pick up on what's going on and when she does she grins ear-to-ear.

She starts listing characters and plot points, all the way up to this episode in season 8. She starts talking about which characters she likes and doesn't like, which relationships she enjoys the most, who she thinks is going to die eventually. She especially seems to enjoy talking about Callie and Arizona which makes me chuckle.

"I didn't know that you watch this show?"

With a wave of her hand, she sips her lemonade, "Oh I don't, but I know you like it so..."

Shooting an eyebrow in the air, I watch as she realizes what she just said, her eyes widening as her cheeks burn a crimson red. She looks down at her sandwich and swallows thickly, frowning as she tries to come up with words.

The Widow's Bite (Natasha X G!P OC)Where stories live. Discover now