Chapter 71 || Tricky Threes

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Heyoo!!! You know what to do.

2 Years Later

Natasha POV

"K is Potassium!"

I can hear Benjamin's voice from down the hall, gleefully spitting out the elements as I exit the elevator, dabbing at the dirt on my widow suit with a wet cloth from the mission Maria and I just completed with the S.H.I.E.L.D. agents.

"That's my boy. And what can you tell me about Potassium?"

Using the cloth to now wipe the dirt off my face, along with some blood from a few different idiots who thought they could take me on, I spot Jayce in the lab with Ben and Tony. Ben is sitting on a stool while the two grown adults highlight different elements on the periodic table on a giant holographic image in front of my son's face.

"It's in bananas. It's the reason why bananas help our nose function and sends our brain information to the muscles!"

Jayce punches the air in celebration and highlights the next one which I can see from here is Sr or Strontium. I walk closer, trying to figure out where Kiara is, but I make my way closer to the lab, finally getting a clearer image of my son who is sitting in the lab coat Jayce made for him and playing with an empty beaker.

My girlfriend spots me and rakes me over with her eyes, a small smirk growing on her face but I just shake my head and raise a finger to my lips, noting that I want to hear what Ben is going to say to the next answer of this little quiz.

My girlfriend spots me and rakes me over with her eyes, a small smirk growing on her face but I just shake my head and raise a finger to my lips, noting that I want to hear what Ben is going to say to the next answer of this little quiz

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When he answers correctly, going into that it's a natural metal and non-radioactive element that is the cause for the sound of fireworks, I can't help but break into a brightly prideful grin.

I cannot explain how Ben got so smart but most of me knows he has inherited Jayce's fast learning skills. Just a few weeks after his first birthday, he started saying scientific words and using his learning blocks to solve simple math problems. And now, at 3 years old, the boy has memorized the periodic table and can provide information for every element.

Of course, Jayce and I saw his admiration and knack for the sciences and mathematics, so we took the opportunity to teach him and put on a bit more advanced science shows than just for a 2-3 year old child like Bill Nye and others.

His brain continues to amaze me every single day, along with his language and pronunciation skills.

When he finishes the next few questions, I take a step into the lab and raise an eyebrow at him, "Is Mama and Uncle Tony frying your brain again, little man?"

My beautiful son's bright eyes look up at me and widen in an instant, "Mommy!"

He places the beaker down and leaps up from the stool, jumping into my arms. With a small laugh, I catch him and kiss the top of his head, "How's my little agent?"

Ben pulls back slightly so he can look me in the face and then smiles brightly, "Mama let me have pizza for breakfast!"

Snapping my eyes over to Jayce with a narrowed scowl, I raise an eyebrow and she swallows thickly, shifting her jaw to the side and flashing her guilty little smile while I only tilt my head.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 06, 2023 ⏰

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