Chapter 67 || New Parents

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Sorry for the hiatus! Lots been going on but I missed writing :) You know what to do

2 Months Later

Natasha POV

Tiny little wails through the baby monitor wake me from my sleep. I groan into my pillow and huff, knowing it's not my turn but when I open my eyes and look at Jayce, she's sound asleep.

Narrowing my exhausted eyes, I grab one of the pillows off the floor and swing it as hard as my tired arm can until it smacks the top of her head.

Jayce's head perks up as her light snores come to an abrupt stop, "Hmm? Wha-what's happening."

"It's Benji. Your turn," I grumble and plop my head back down on the pillow, hearing Jayce sigh and pull the covers off herself. She kisses my forehead and drags her feet to the door to get to the twins.

I peek my eyes open to look at the monitor, seeing the live feedback of Jayce reaching into Benji's crib and sitting in the rocking chair with him, attempting to lull him back to sleep. Tiredly, a smile graces itself across my face as I watch her tend to our little boy. My eyes move over to a sleeping Kiara, her little body only moving slightly every few seconds.

She's definitely going to be a kicker in her sleep as she gains more control over her body the bigger she gets. My heart swells in my chest when Jayce starts singing to Ben lowly, her voice raspy from the wake up at 2 in the morning. After a few more minutes, Ben stops crying and my eyelids are too heavy to wait for Jayce so I just allow the sleep to take over once again.

Jayce POV

"Kiara, this would be so much easier if you would just latch on," Natasha grumbles as she holds each twin to each of her breasts.

I stand in the corner of the nursery which is just my old room in the compound Tony and Pepper helped me makeover. Nat and I have thought about getting our own place, in fact we've been looking for places nearby, close enough to the compound where the drive won't take long but far enough that we can have our own space.

However, I know leaving the compound is too much for Natasha to handle as I am aware she's been talking to Rhodey trying to find Clint still. I think she's still waiting for him to pop up somewhere.

Then again, knowing Clint, and knowing that like me and Natasha, he has lost his family, he's probably out there somewhere being all dark and broody like I was. The only thing is, he doesn't have the woman he loves waiting at home for his return.

So he's probably like I was after Gwen's death. Which means he needs space and he won't show himself until he wants to be found.

Eventually, Nat looks up at me defeated and whines, "Why doesn't she like my breasts?"

Pulling the corners of my lips down, I sip my beer and shrug, "Beats me. That ain't my daughter."

Natasha tilts her head and narrows her eyes as a playful smirk crosses her features, "Ha ha. I'm serious, Jay. She won't latch! Ever since she was born she hasn't wanted to latch on. What if she hates me?" Kiara starts whining a bit and fussing around, making Natasha's eyes grow even more sad and defeated.

Sighing, I place my beer down and make my way over, "She doesn't hate you. Oh wow, Benji's going to town. Now that is my child."

Her hand smacks me in a scolding manner, causing me to laugh as I take Kiara, rocking her in my arms and kissing the top of her little red haired head.

"Come on, princess. You gotta eat and if you take the bottle again I think your mom might cry herself to sleep tonight." I wink at Natasha who rolls her eyes and focuses on Ben, rubbing his small little back while he feeds.

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